Page:American Journal of Psychology Volume 21.djvu/232

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An Example of an Hysterical Reaction Type-Cont.

Stimulus word Reaction
Unit 0.2 second
Reaction Reproduction
despise 30 that is a complicated, too foolish ?
finger 8 hand, not only hand, but also foot, a joint, member, extremity
dear 14 to pay (laughs)
bird 8 to fly
to fall 30 tomber, I will say no more, what do you mean by fall? ?
book 6 to read
unjust 8 just
frog 11 quack
to part 30 what does part mean? ?
hunger 10 to eat
white 12 color, everything possible, light
child 10 little, I did not hear well, bébé ?
to take care 14 attention
lead pencil 8 to draw, everything possible can be drawn
sad 9 to weep, that is not always the case to be
plum 16 to eat a plum, pluck what do you mean by it? Is that symbolic? fruit
to marry 27 how can you? reunion, union union

The following curves illustrate the course of the reaction time in an association experiment in four normal test persons. The length of each column denotes the length of the reaction time.