Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 1.djvu/818

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(The facts for most of the characterizations below were obtained directly from thi editors. The characterizations of those for which no such information has been received are based on inspection of the files and secondary information. Characterizations of the second class are bracketed).

Annales de I'lnstitute des Sciences Sociales:— [First Number, June 1894. Irregular. Second year begins with January 1896. Per year 300 pp. 6 fr. 11 rue Ravenstein, Brussels. Managing editor, E. Vinck, rue de Keyenveld, 106. Numbers thus far seem to be devoted largely to the philosophy and practical aspects of the social sciences.]

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.— First

number, July 1890. Bi-monthly with supplements. During first year was issued quar- terly. '3 numbers per volume, 600 pp. Present volume (January i8g6) is No. 7. $6 Amencan Academy of Political and Social Science, Station B., Philadelphia. Back numbers complete, gi each. Editor-in-chief, RoUin P. Falkner; Associate editors, Edmund J. James and Emory R. Johnson. Official organ of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Aims to cover the whole field of political and social science. Valuable for reviews, reports, etc.

La Reforme Sociale, (Bulletin de la PaixSociale, fondeepar F.LePlay.):

First Number January 1891. Two numbers per month. 12 numbers per volume.

1000 pp. Present volume (January 1896) is No. I in 4th series, 31 in the collection. 25 fr. 56 me de Seine, Paris. Back numbers complete. Edited by A. Delaire and T. Cazajeux ; 1 88 1-9 edited by E. Demoulins. Organ of the Soci^t^ d' Economie Sociale. Aims to cover the entire field of social science using the method of scientific observa- tion. Aims always to sustain and display the method laid down by LePlay. Its most striking peculiarity consists in its rigorous carrying out of the method of observation and collection of facts, rejecting all a priori theories.

Revue Sociale et Politique: — First number, January 1891. 6 numbers per year, 400 pp. Present (January 1896) is its sixth year, 14 fr. Hotel Ravenstein, Brus- sels. Back numbers complete. Vols. 1-3 25 fr. each; others at subscription price. Edited by Chas H. LaFontaine and G. Oriet. Till 1894 was the organ of the Soci^t^ d'Etudes Sociales et Politiques. Now is under the control of the Bureau Internation- ale de Sociologie. Aims to cover the whole of social life as it is classified in Dewey's Decimal Classification under Nos. 300-399. Beginning with 1896 the editors contem- plate devoting the entire space to indication of facts and cataloguing them under the Decimal System.

Revue Internationale de Sociologie:— [First number, January 1893. Monthly. Present (January 1896) is 4th year; 20 fr. Girard et Brierie, 16 rue Soufflot, Paris. Published under direction of Ren^ Worms, General Secretary of the Institute Interna- tionale de Sociologie, of which society the review is the organ. Aims at the scientific exposition of sociology. Devotes considerable space to articles bearing on theory and methodology, but more to the discussion of social facts. Its chronicle of social move- ments is a valuable feature.]