Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 1.djvu/834

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  • Talmud, 460
  • Taney, Roger B., 261
  • Tangorra, 803
  • Tarde, Gabriel, 350, 439, 446, 451, 479, 482, 797
  • Taswell-Langmead, 411
  • Telesio, 336
  • Temperance and Liquor Traffic, Report of Department of Labor on the Gothenburg System of, 272
  • Teodoro, Geoffroy, 340
  • Terminology, words essential to ideas, 16; bad results of a defective, 452; right word leads to right thinking, 636
  • Theology, individualism of. 71 ; present tendency social, 71; criticism of the Bible, 130; proper relation to sociology, 381; Spencer on the anti-theological bias, 383 ; identical with biology, 503
  • Thomas, W. L, 330 r., 434–445 ar., 504–508 rv.
  • Thucydides, 317
  • Tissot, 464
  • Tocco, F., 335
  • Todt, 780
  • Tolstoi, Leo, 406, 770, 775
  • Tompkins, Arnold, 353–358 ar.
  • Tosti, 350
  • Tufts, James H., 446–456 ar.
  • Trade, Restraint of, nature of, 657 ; legislation for, 657, 663; uniformity of court decisions on, 666 ; when justified, 668, 669, 672
  • Trades Unions, advantage to employer of, 391
  • Treviranus, 477
  • Trusts, see Monopolies.
  • Truth. Not a question of authority, 18 ; realization of can do no harm, 141 ; truth to be sought though it leads to socialism, 408; discovery of, the highest pleasure, 619
  • Turgot, 475
  • Tyler, 351
  • Tylor,E. B., 439.795
  • Uhle, 591
  • Ulhorn, I. G. W., 583, 587, 77S
  • United States, Is our Republic a Failure? 28–40 ar. characteristics of political system, 39; growth of democracy, 30 ; representative government, 31; tyranny of capital, 34; tyranny of labor, 35 ; degeneration of the primaries, 128 ; the first to make regular census, 244; Hamilton's report on manufactures, 246; census schedule from 1790 to 1890, 248 ; magnitude of the census of 1880, 255; improvements in census of 1890, 256 ; the chief promoter of social science, 257 ; contributions of the Treasury Department, 257 ; of the Department of State, 261 ; War and Navy Departments, 265; Department of the Interior, 266 ; Department of Agriculture, 267 ; Department of Labor, 270 ; congress, 272 ; value these contributions, 275; influence of English Bill of Rights on constitutions of our states, 412; laissez faire in, 415; Interstate Commerce Act,

417 ; anti-trust law, 419 ; cause of deterioration of national and state governments, 551 ; need of patriotism in party politics, 793

  • Universe, effort of human mind to explain, 132; cosmos to be regarded as unintelligent and passive, 138; existence of man an accident, 138; insignificance of man in the universe, 138; fortuity of the universe a cause for hope, 141 ; must be viewed objectively. 142; forms are fortuitous, but forces are constant, 144; three cosmical crises, 145; life period of the earth, 313; teleology of the universe, 314
  • Urlspurger, Johann August, 588
  • Vaccaro, 346, 349
  • Vadata-Papale, 343, 346, 349
  • Vanni, 340, 547, 348, 352
  • Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle, 273
  • Varlez, Louis, 798
  • Vico, Giambaitesta, 337, 349, 474, 795, 796
  • Victoria, 667.
  • Vincent, Geo. E., 473–491 ar.
  • Vinck, E.. 803
  • Virchow, 162
  • Volmar, 799
  • Voltaire, 70
  • Voluntary associations, see Associations.
  • Von Halle, Ernst, 218–228 bk., 418, 419, 423, 425
  • Von Thunen, 343
  • Wacker, Emil, 674
  • Wages, census report on, 255
  • Waitz, 351, 439
  • Walker, Francis A., 254, 255, 256, 261, 393, 394,
  • Wallace, 406
  • Wanamaker, John, 163, 693
  • War, publications of War and Navy Department ; social influence of, 538
  • Ward, Lester F., 1627 ar., 132–145 ar., 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 313–326 ar., 426–433 ar., 452, 454, 475, 478, 479, 486, 487, 489, 517, 618–632 ar., 633-639 rv. 738–750 ar.
  • Warner, Amos G., 290-298 ar., 756
  • Warren, S. D., 696
  • Washington, 263, 264
  • Watson, Elkanah, 643
  • Watson, Lord, 660
  • Watterson, George, 273
  • Weaver, Oren W.,644
  • Weber, 185
  • Weinhold, 439
  • Weisman, 478
  • Weismanism, folly of, 311

Weiss, 462, 360 Welfare, human, and the social question, 648, 784 Wells. David A., 260 Wendt, 186, 360, 373, 460 , Wescott, 190, 459 Wesley, John, 589 Westermarck, 460 Wharton's digest of international law, 263 Whitman, William, 388 Wichem, J. H., 590, 674, 677, 678, 679 Williams, L. H., 700 Willoughby. W. W., 789, 790 Wilson, Wm. L.. 162 Windelband, 453 Wines, E. C, 265 Wines, Frederick Howard, 501-503 bk. Winkelblech, 343 Winkworth, Catherine, 674 WoUf, 477 Women, report of department of labor on working,

; agitation the remedy for low wages, 394 ; 

position among the Romans and the Jews, 467 ; exclusion from factories in Germany, 647; female typewriters in Berlin, 795. See Domestic Labor Woodbury, 261 Woolscy, 462 Worishoffer, 798 Worms, Rene, 146-157 ar. Wright, Carroll D., 228-230 bk., 241-275 ar., 338. , 686, 687 Wundt, 436, 456, 635 Wurster, Dr. Paul, 583 Zellar, 678 Zeno, 335 Ziegenbalg, 591 o61ogy, how related to biology, 20
