Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 10.djvu/52

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f) Quarrying.

g) Irrigation.

h) Work of agricultural experiment stations.

(1) Extent of each crop or output.

(2) Achievement in preserving sources of supply.

(3) Achievement in the peculiar technique of the industry.

2. Manufactures.

a) Food.

(1) Milk.

(2) Breakfast foods.

(3) Slaughtering and meat-packing.

(4) Butter, cheese, and oleo.

(5) Canning and preserving.

(6) Salt.

(7) Beet sugar.

(8) Rice.

(9) Cottonseed products.

(10) Alcoholic liquors.

(11) Malt liquors.

(12) Tobacco.

(13) Ice.

(14) Glucose.

b) Textiles.

c) Wood. ) Including metallurgical progress and new uses for

d) Metals, } mineral products.

e) Chemicals.

f) Vehicles.

g) Clay, glass, and stone products. h) Explosives and firearms.

3. Achievement in all branches of engineering, except as more properly discussed in Division I.

4. Achievement in the building arts.

5. Achievement in the handicrafts.

6. Transportation.

a) Marine.

(1) Structure of vessels.

(2) Charts, lighthouses, life-saving stations, and other protections of navigation.

(3) The Weather Bureau.

b) Land.

(1) Railroads.

(2) Urban transit.

(3) Autos and other vehicles.