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und die soziale Monarchic. Dresden: Lencke. Pp. 338.

New York City Visiting Committee. Sixth Annual Report of State Charities Aid Association. New York: United Charities. Pp. 61.

Noel, Conrad. Socialism in Church History. Palmer. Pp. 284. 55.

Ollivier, G. Les religions au d<Sbut de la civilisation. Paris: Marcel Rivifere et Cie. Pp. 31.

d'Ornoc, Jean. L'alliance humaine. Paris: Riviere.

Osgood, Irene. Review of Labor Legis- lation. Legislative Review No. i.. American Association for Labor Legis- lation. Madison, Wis.: Pp. 40.

Patch, F. W. Individual Responsibility. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co. Pp.

37- 50c-

Philippi. Die Seele des Staates. Dresden: E. Pierson's Verlag. Pp. 15. M. 20.

Price, George B. The Problem of Happy Marriage. Atlantic City, N. J.: Chel- ston Press. Pp. 1 26. $1 . 00.

Prison Reform League. Crime and Criminals. Los Angeles, Cal. : Prison Reform League. Pp. 10 -f- 320. $1.

Rand, Benjamin, Compiler. The Clas- sical Moralists. Selections, Illustrating Ethics from Socrates to Martineau. Boston, New York, and Chicago: Houghton Mi£9in Co. Pp. xix + 797. $3.00 net.

Randle, E. H. Characteristics of the Southern Negro. Washington D. C: Neale. Pp. 129. $1.

Reid, D. C. Effective Industrial Reform. Pp.282, fi.35.

Report of Department of Taxes and Assessments. New York: Martin B. Brown Co. Pp. 85.

Rignano, E. Le ph^nomfene religieux. Bologne et Paris.

Rogers, A. A. Why American Marriages Fail. Constable. 4s.

Rose, H. S. The Morality of Five Per Cent. Pabner. Pp. 152. is.

Ryan, J. A. Salaire et droit d I'existence. Tr. from Eng. by L. Collin, wi?h preface by L. Brocard. (Etudes ^co- nomiques et sociales VIII). Paris: Girard et Brifere. Pp. xlvii-l-355.

Schlatter, Dora. Frauenwege und Frau- enziele. Ein Buch fiir die Frauen. Lengerich (Westf.): Bischof & Klein, Pp. 148. M. 1 .40.

Scholefield, G. H. New Zealand in Evolution, Industrial, Economic, and Political. New York: Scribner. Pp. 24 + 363- ^3-

Schultz, A. P. Das Deutschtum und die Rassenmischung. Boston: L. C. Page. Pp. 369. $2.

Seher, Carl. Die Seelenwunde des mod- ernen Kulturmenschen und ihre Heil- ung. Berlin: Warneck. Pp. 31.

Simmenroth, W. Zur Kritik der For- derung einer staatlichen Pension und hinterbliebenen Versicherung der Pri- vat-Beamten. Cassel: Weber & Weidemeyer. Pp. 81.

Simon, Helen. Die Schulspeisung. Leip- zig: Humblot. Pp. 93.

Sinclair, Upton. Prince Hogen. Chicago: Charles Kerr & Co. Pp. 249. $1 . 00.

Sixteenth Report. Neglected and De- pendent Children of Ontario, for the Year Ending December 31, 1908. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. Pp. 136.

Smith, Samuel G. Religion in the Making. A Study in Biblical Sociol- ogy. New York: Macmillan. Pp. vii + 253. $1.25

Spann, O. Die Lage und das Schicksal der unehelichen Kinder. Leipzig: Teubner. Pp. 43. M. i.

Spargo, John. The Marx He Knew. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co. Pp. 86. $0.50.

Steffen, G. F. Lebensbedingungen mo- derner Kultur, sozialphilosophische, so- ziologische und sozialpolitische Studien. Jena: G. Fischer. Pp. 372. M. 7.

Stein, Ludwig. Le sens de I'existence, excursions d'un optimiste dans la philosophie contemporaine. (Biblio- thfeque sociologique internationale, pub- lite sous la direction de M. Ren^ Worms, XLI.) Paris: Giard et Brifere. Pp. xi-f534.

Stephens, Thomas. The Child and Religion. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 6 + 371.

Sternberg, W. Die Alkoholfrage im Lichte der modernen Forschung. Leipzig: Veit. Pp. 80. M. 2.

Stewart, Caroline Taylor. The Origin of the Werwolf Superstition. [Social Science Series. The University of Missouri Studies. Ed. by W. G. Brown.] Colimibia, Mo.: University of Missouri. Pp. 37.

Sumner, Helen. Equal Suffrage, the Result of an Investigation in Colorado. Harper's. Pp. 36 + 282. 7^. 6d.

Talbert, E. L. The Dualism of Fact and Idea in Its Social Implications. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Pp. 52. 53c.

Tarasevskyj, P. Das Geschlechtsleben