Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/768

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[A selection of the more important works dealing with various lines of social work which have appeared since the publication of the last bibliography in the JOURNAL of September 1896.]

Anthropology, Ethnology, and Archae- ology.

Bibliothek f. Socialwissenschaft m. besond. Riick- sicht auf sociale Anthropologie u. Pathologic, hrsg. v. Hans Kurella. 6-9 Bd. Leipzig, G. H. Wigand, M. 22; Einbde. a. M. 1.25.

Brinton, D. G. The myths of the new world: a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. Ed. 3, rev. Phila., D. McKay. 360 pp. i2mo. $2.

Hall, C. F. Deux ans chez les Esquimaux. Paris, Hachette & Cie. 223 pp. 8vo. fr.

Roth, H. L. The natives of Sarawak and North Borneo, with 550 illustrations and preface by Andrew Lang. London, Truslove & Hanson. 2 vols. 505.

Tarbell, F. B. A history of Greek art ; with an introductory chapter on art in Egypt. Mead- ville, Pa., Chautauqua Century Press. 295 pp., il. i6mo. $i.


Barras, Memoirs de, membre du Directoire. Paris, Hachette & Cie. 2 vols. 526 pp. & 548 pp. 8vo. 15 fr.

Briefwechsel des Ministers u. Burggrafen v. Maren- burg, Theodor v. Schon mit G. H. Pertz u. J. G. Droysen (Publication des Vereins f. d. Geschichte v. Ost u. Westpreussen) . Leipzig, Duncker& Humblot. 252 S. 8yo. M. 5.40.

Descostes, Frangois. Necker, ecrivain and finan- cier, juge par le Comte de Maistre, d'apres des documents inedits. Paris, Perrin. 44 pp. i8mo.

De Tocqueville, Alexis, The recollections of. Ed- ited by Comte de Tocqueville and now first translated into English. London, Henry. 424 pp. 8vo. 135.

Ford, P. L. The true George Washington. Phila., J. B. Lippincott Co. 319 pp. 8vo. $2.

Gladstone, W.E., The political life of, illustrated with cartoons from Punch, i vol. London, Bradbury. 384 pp. Roy. 410. 2is.

Gould, S. Baring. Ihe Life of Napoleon Bona- parte. London, Meuthen. 656 pp. Folio. 365.

Grimm, Hermann. Life of Michael Angelo. New edition, illustrated with photogravure plates. 2 vols. 558 & 536 pp. $6.

Gustav, G. Philip Melanchthon, Ein Lebensbild f.jung u. alt zur Feier seines 400 jahr. Geburts- tages. Breslau, G. Sperber. no S. 8vo. M. 0.40.

Hanotaux, Gabriel. Histoire du Cardinal de Riche- lieu. T. 2, pt. i. Paris, Firmin, Didot & Cie. 250 pp. 8vo.

Hutton, A. W. Cardinal Manning. London, Meuthen. 35. 6d.

Luce, S. Histoire de Bertrand du Guesclin et de

son epoque. La Jeunesse de Bertrand (1320-

1364). Ed. 3. Paris, lib. Hachette & Cie.

fr. 3.50. McAll, Rob. W., founder of the McAll mission,

Paris. N. Y., & Chicago, Fleming H. Revell

& Co. 252pp. 8vo. $1.50. Norvins, J. de. Souvenirs d'un historien de

Napoleon. Memorial de J. Norvins. Paris,

Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 423 pp. Paine, Thomas, The writings of, edited by Daniel

Conway. 4 vols. Vol. 4. N. Y., G. P.

Putnam's Sons. 521 pp. 8vo. $2.50. Paulig, F. R. Familiengeschichte des Hohenzql-

lernschen Kaiserhauses. 4 Bd. Fried. Wil-

helm II. Frankfort, F. Paulig. 368 S. 8vo.

M. 3. Pressense, F. de. Le Cardinal Manning. Paris,

Perrin & Cie. 322 pp. i6mo. Ritter, E. La Famille et la jeunesse de J. J. Rous- seau. Paris, Hachette & Cie. 307 pp. i6mo.

fr. 3.50. Schmoller. Gust. Gedachtnissrede auf Heinrich

v. Sybel u. Heinrich v. Treitschke. Berlin, G.

Reimer. 43 S. 410. M. 2. Zehliche, Adf. Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse,

Deutschlands Retter u. Racher (In 30 Lfg.) i

Lfg. Berlin, L. Abel. 1-64 S. M. 0.50.

Biology, Evolution, and Science.

Bonavia, E. Studies in the evolution of animals.

N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 362 pp., il.

8vo. $6. Cramer, Frank. The method of Darwin : a study

in scientific method. Chicago, A. C. McClurg

& Co. 232 pp. i6mo. $i. Evil and evolution: an attempt to turn the light of

science on the ancient mystery of evil, by the

author of The Social Horizon. N. Y., The

Macmillan Co. 184 pp. i2mo, $1.50. Hertwig, Oscar. The biological problem of today :

Preformation or Epigenesis ? Translated by P.

Chalmers Mitchell. London, Heinemann.

172 pp. i2mo. 35. 6d. Hertwig, R. General principles of zoology, trans-

lated by G. W. Field. N. Y., Henry Holt &

Co. 226 pp. 8vo. $1.60. Jordan, D. S. Science sketches. New edition.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co. 287 pp. 8vo.

$1.50. Le Dantec, F. Theorie nouvelle de la vie. Paris,

F. Alcan. 327 pp. 8vo. Marselli, Em. La teoria d'evoluzione secondo H.

Spencer, eposta brevemente. Milano, L'Idea

liberale edit. (tip. Capriolo eMassimino). Poulton, E. Bagnall. Charles Darwin and the

theory of natural selection. N. Y., The Mac- millan Co. 224 pp. 8vo. 35. 6d.