Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/11

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WEBB, SIDNEY and BEATRICE. Industrial Democracy. C. R. Henderson, - 850

WINES, F. H., and JOHN KOREN. The Liquor Problem in its Legislative w

Aspects. C. K. Henderson, 265

WORMS, RENE. Organisme et socie"te*. L. F. Ward, - 258

Zeitschrift fiir Social wissenschaft. A. W. Small, - 699

ZENKER, E. V. Anarchism. A. W. Small, 704


Statistics of Manufacture (Table), - 560

Explanatory Note from Professor Durkheim, - - - 848


July, 121-28

September, - - 270-80

November, 410-16

January, - 551-59

March, 706-12

May, - 862-68

Accidents to labor, Study of a law on, Augustin Blanchet, 557; Anthropological data in sociology, G. Sergi, 868; An thropo-. sociology, Fundamental laws of, G. P. de Lapouge, 863; Anthropo-soci- ology, Studies in, H. Muffang, 706. Charitable work, Sympathy and reason in, E. T. Jones, 277 ; Charities, Arraignment of organized, Guntott's Magazine, 127; Charities, Defense of organized, F. W. Hamilton, 128; Charity and progress, Edward Cummings, 555; Christian socialism, LaTour du Pin Chambly, 415 ; Cities, Development of American, Josiah Quincey, 128 ; Conflict of races, classes, and societies. G. Fiamingo, 273; Cooperative stores in the United States, Edward Cum- mings, 276; Corporations, Nature of, J. P. Davis, 280. Death, The fear of, Guglielmo Ferrero, 555; Democratic tendencies, E. L. Godkin, 128; Domestic service, Evolution of, Hudry-Menos, 124. Economics, Philosophical basis of, Sidney Shirwood, 410; Economic progress and social ethics, E. Solvay, 706; Education, Place of the political and social in modern, E. J. James, 710; Ethical self, Genesis of, J. M. Baldwin, 126. Family, Disorganization of the, and its social con- sequences, Ernest Passer, 416. Genius, fame, and the comparison of races, C. H. Coolcy, 274; George Junior Republic, W. H. Hull, 275; George Junior Republic, Official investigation of, J. E. Jenks and others, 708; Gill School, city, Public Opinion, 410. Homewood: A model suburban settlement, E. R. L. Gould, 276. Immigration question, J. H. Lenner, 277; Insurance, Industrial, Haley Fiske, 867; Insurance, Over, and under consumption, John Davidson, 277. Labor in France, Inspection of, Maurice Vanlaer, 551; Later movement, Graham Taylor, 279; Labor, Rights of capital and, and industrial conciliation, Mrs. C. R. Lowell, 552; Legislation, Political and municipal, in 1897, E. D. Durand, 868. Market wrecking, W. E. Bear, 126; Maryland Pris- oner.' Aid Association, 862; Mob mind, The, E. A. Ross, 412; Municipal conditions in California, J. D. Phelan, 127; Municipal government, Problem of, H. S. Pingree, i8. Natural selr social selection, and her- Commons, 414; Negro problems, St-dy of the, W. E. B.

DuBois, 864 ; Nutrition. Over, and its social consequences, S. N. Patten, 270. Pauper problem in America, ttooih-Tticker, 127 ; Penal question from an ethical point of view, Wladimir Sclonieff, 415 ; Public baths in Europe, E. H. Hartwell, 412. Railroads, Administration of. \\. 11 Meyer, 558; Religion as a social forcr. 70 ; Religion, Essential nature of, L. F. Ward, 862. Social

and ethical solidarity. Our, Edward Montgomery, 554; Social change, Process of, C. H. Cooley, 272; Social evolution. Ultimate law of, M. A. Vaccario, 711 ; Socialism in Italy, Giovanni Lerda, S59J Social organization, Psychology of, J. M. Baldwin, 559; Social problem, Bearing of the doctrine of selection upon, W. M. Daniels, 710; Social question in the East, Hughes Rosalt, 125 ; Social reform, Animated moderation in. N. }'. c.ilman, 556; Social renovation and the historic