Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/145

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Grimm, Hermann. Beitrage zur deutschen Cul- turgcschichte. Br., Hertz. 459 S. 8vo. M. 7. (L. + + )*

Hirsch-Gereuth, A. von. Studien zur Geschichte der Kreuz/ugsidee nach den Kreuzzugen. i H is- torische Abhandlungen, hrsg. v. Th. Hegel u. H. Grauert, Nr. n.) Miinchen, H. Luneburg. 176 S. 8vo. M. 6.40.

Jenks, E. A history of the Australasian colonies from their foundation to the year 1893. Cam- bridge, Univ. Press. 768 pp. 8vo. S. 6.

Kingsford. The history of Canada. Toronto, Bon- sell & Hutchinson. (Athenseum, My. -.

Lavisse, Ernest et Kambaud, Alfred. Histoire generate du 1 Vc siecle a nos jours. T. 8. La revolution franchise, 1789-99. P., Colin & Cie. 1806. 992 pp. 8vo. F. 12. (L.. Ap. 24. + )*

Lucas, C. P. A historical geography of the Brit- ish Colonies. Cambridge. Clarendon Press. Vol. 4. 2 pts. (Academy, My. i.

Lumbroso, Alb. Napoleone I e 1'Inghilterra: sagio sulle origini del blocco continentale sulle sue consequenze economiche, con una appen- dice di document!. Roma, Modes e Mendel, edit. 514 pp. 8vo.

Maspero, G. The struggle of the nations. Egypt, Syria, Assyria. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. (Athenaeum, Ap. 24. + + ) [A translation of Vol. 2 of Maspero's large illustrated work.]*

Ross, E.G. History of the impeachment of An- drew Johnson, president of the United States. Santa Fe, New Mexican Printing Co., 1896. iSopp. (PSQ.,Mr. +)*

Schultz, Ferd. Die geschichtliche Entwickelung

der Gegenwart seit 1815 unter Beriicksicht. der

wirthscnaftlichen u. sozialen Verhaltnisse in

hland. (In 2 Bdn.) i Bd. Dresden,

L. Ehlermann. 180 S. 8vo. M. 3.50.

Social England. Ed. by H. D. Traifl. Vol. 5. From the accession of George I to the battle of Waterloo. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons.

(Dialje. i. )*

Thatcher, O. I. A sh

Europe. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 325 pp.

short history of mediaeval

i2mo. $1.25.

Treitschke, Heinr. von. Historische u. politische Aufsatzc. 4 (Schluw-) Bd. Lp., S. Hirzel. 664 S. 8vo. M. 10. (L.,My. a. + -O*

Tyler, M. C. The literary history of the Ameri- can Revolution, 1763-83. 2 vols. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 521 pp. 8vo. $3.

Wilson, J.G. General Grant. N. Y., Appleton, 390 pp. il. por. i2mo. $

Wippermann, Karl. PblhtKM Grschichte der Gegenwart, Begrundet v. Wilh. Mul - Jahri8o6. Br., J.Springer. 39iS.8yo. M.4.6o.

International Law.

Albert!, Gui*. La novissima teorica <\r\ Hiritto internazionale. Palermo, tip. Nocera. 177 pp. 8vo.

Bust am ante y Sirvin, Antonio'de. Trato de Derecho international privado. Habana, In,; papclaria " La Universal." I > Km/ 1896. T. i. 550 pp. 8vo.

29: i. **)* Englehardt, Ed. \jt% protectorate ancient rt

derns. Em.:-

Pcdone. 1896. (RI)t.,3 5 5.

Gairal, Francois. Le protectorat international. P.. lone-Lauriel. i vol. 8vo. (AMI'.,At>.

+ +E

Harris, T. L. The Trent affair, including a re- view of English ft American relation* at the beginning < War. Ind>,

Bowen- Merrill Co., 1806. 088 pp. (PSQ..

Mr. *-)

Keasby. Lindley Miller. The Nicaragua canal & the Monroe doctrine. N. Y., G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1896. 623 pp. 8vo. (YR., My.

Lawrence, T. J. Principles of international law.

N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1896. 645 pp.

8vo. S. 12, 6. ( EcR., Ap. + + -)* Rivier, Alphonse. 1'rincipes du droit des gens

P., Arthur Rousseau, 1896. 2vols. 8vo. (AMP.,

My. ++-) (LQR.,Ap. +-)

Labor. Ansiaux, Maurice. Heures de travail & salaires.

Etude sur 1'amclioration directe de la condition

des ouvriers industriels. P., Felix Alcan, 1896.

(AAP., My. +-)* Annuaire des syndicats professionnels, industriels,

commerciaux et agricoles. (8 annee, 1896)

P., Berger-Levrault & Cie. 565 pp. 8vo. r.

25. Arbeits- u. Lebensverhaltnisse, die, der Wiener

Lohnarbeiterinnen Ergebnisse u. stenograph.

Protokoll der Enquete iib. Frauenarbeit,abgeh.

in Wien, 1896. Wien, Wiener Volksbuchh.

686 S. 8vo. M. 7.50. Bellom, Maurice. La question des retraites qu-

vrieres dans les pays etrangers. P., lib.

Pichon. 85 pp. 8vo. Hobson, J. A. 'Ihe problem of the unemployed.

I... Methuen & Co., 1896. (L., Mr.X)* Protokoll der Verhandlungen des 2 Congresses der

Gewerkschaften Deutschlands. Abgeh. zu

Berlin, 1896. Hamburg, Generalkomission

der Gewerkschaften Deutschlands, C. Legien.

140 S. 8vo. M. 0.30. Reichesberg, N. Wesen u. Ziele der modernen

Arbeiterschutz-Gesetzgebung. Bern, Schmid &

Francke. 76 S. 8vo. M. 0.80. Sherard, R. H. White slaves of England: true

pictures of certain social conditions in 1897.

L., Bowden. 770 pp. il. 8vo. S. 2, 6. Virgilii, Filippo. La legislation ouvricreen Italic.

P., lib. Giard et Briere. 15 pp. 8vo. Wagner, Adolph. Unternehmergewinn u. Ar-

beitslohn. Rede. Gottingen. Vandenhoedc &

Ruprecht. 198. 8vo. M. 0.40.

Philosophy and Psychology.

Hirsch, William. Genius & degeneration, tr. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1896. 313 pp. (Na- tion, Ap. 29. + ) (ChR., Ap. + -) (AJS., My. + )*

Kronenberg, M. Kant. Seine Leben u. seine Lehre. MUnchen, Beck. 1897. 312 S. Svo. M. 4.50. (L., Ap. io.+ +)*

Seferiades, S. P. Etude critimie sur la theorie de la cause (these). P., A. Rousseau.

Willmann, Otto. Geschichte des Idealismus. In

1'iln. a Bd. Der idealismus drr Kirchen-

u. der Realismns der Scholastiker.

Braunschweig, Viewig & Sohn, 1896. 659 S.

Svo. (L.,Ap. 17. -n--)*

Political Economy.

Block, Maurice. Revision des doctrine* eoono- mi<iucs. K<1. 7. P., Guillaumin & Cie. 2 vols. Svo. (JE< N| ^ + +)*

Brandt, Alexander. Beitriigr /tir < lev hi. hte der

is. hrn llatuielipolitik von Colbert bit

7iir (ic-ijrinvait. 1 |... I )unckcr ft Humblot.

Hvo. M 4.B... ,1 .. \lx.!. + ) Hadley, A. I i an account

relations between private property ft public welfare. N i'.unam'tSon*, 1806.

49600. $a.a 5 . (AAP., My. + *) PSQ., Br.T+^) (AJS., Mr. V *-) (Dial, Dec. 16, '96. + -)'