Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/264

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1 . General topic : City Transportation.

References :

er, The Municipality and Urban Transit, Cosmopolitan, Nov. 1894.

Studies municipal control in various cities, including Toronto,

Sidney, and Melbourne. Ely, Problems of Today, chs. 19-24.

Here, as in numerous magazine articles (see Poole's Index) Ely

argues ably for municipal control. Hopkins, Street Railway Problem in Cleveland (Economic Studies, Vol.

I, Xos. 5 and 6).

Analyzes the Cleveland situation, and concludes in favor of care- fully restricted franchises.

Sinclair, Municipal Monopolies and their Management (Toronto, Edu- cational Department of Ontario, 1891).

Valuable discussion of this and other questions as to natural

monopolies. United States Consular Report, April 1892.

Gives in detail the experience of European cities.

(Shaw's books should also be consulted on this point see indexes.)

2. Special Report on Local Street Railway System.

(For suggestions see Special Report, Sixteenth Meeting.)

3. General Discussion on the Granting of Street Railway Franchises. References :

Bemis, Good City Government and the Granting of Franchises (National Conference for Good City Government, 1895). A telling indictment of present methods of granting franchises. (Shaw's books (see indexes) show how carefully franchises are guarded in European cities. See also references under general topic.)


I. General topic: The Water Supply of Cities. Inferences :

Baker, The Manual of American Waterworks (New York, Engineering A'ews).

An annual giving general information as to waterworks in cities of the United States.

Davis, Water Supplies for Cities and Towns {Engineering Magazine, May 1892).

An illustrated article giving information as to the details and tech- nique of water supply.