Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/434

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Webb, M. de P. The great power : its origin, rise, & influence. A brief explanation of the neces- sity for monetary reform. L., Regan Paul. 8vo. S. -.-.


Agatone, lereo. Gli italiani e la indipendenza del

papa. Geneva, tip. della Gioventu. 266 pp.

8vo. L. 2. Alden . < ' . H . New governments west of the Alle-

ghenies before 1780. (Bulletin of the Univ.

01 Wis. Vol. 2, No. i) Madison, Wis.,Univ.

of Wis. 74 pp. 8vo. =

  • Andrews, C. M. The historical development of

modern Europe from the congress of Vienna to

the present time. Vol. i. 1815-1850. N. Y.,

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. 457 pp. 8vo.

$2.50. (DL..J1. 31++) (Critic, Jl. 10+ -)

  • Beloch, Julius. Griechische Geschichte. 2. Bd.

Strassburg, Triibner. 714 pp. 8vo. M. g.

(LC., II. 17) (Nation, Jl. 22^ +-)

  • Bigham, Clive. A ride through Western Asia.

1... Macmillan & Co. 284 pp. 8vo. S. 8, 6.

(LC., Ag. 14) (Critic, Ag. 28 1- ) (Athenaeum,

Je. 26 + )

  • Bigham, Clive. With the Turkish army in Thes-

saly. L., Macmillan & Co. 130 pp. 8vo. S,

6,6. (LC..S. 18+) (Athenaeum. Ag. 14+)

  • BHbassoff, B. Katharina II, Kaiserin von Russ-

land, im Urtheile der Weltlitteratur. 2. Bd.

B., Rade. 8vo. M. 20. (LC.,Julyio) DL.,

Je. 26) Blaum, Hans. Die deutsche Revolution, 1848-9.

(In 10 Lfg.) i. u. 2. Lfg. Florenz, G. Diede-

rich. 1-96 pp. 8vo. a M. i.

  • Blok, P. J. Geschiedenis van het nederlandische

Volk. Groningen, Wolters, 1896. 548 pp. 8vo.

F. 6.25. (DL., My. 29)

  • Bourinot, J. G. The story of Canada. N Y.,G.

P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. 463 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

(AAP.. + ) (EHR.,I1. + ) Brown, Rob. Storia del I'Africa e de' suoiesplo-

ralori. Milano, Sonzogno. 2 v. 410.

  • Chadsey, C. E. The struggle between President

Johnson & Congress over reconstruction.

(Columbia Univ. Studies.) N. Y., Macmillan

Co. 150 pp. 8vo. $i. (AHR, O. + + )

  • Champion, E. La France d'apres les cahiers de

1789. P., Colin & Cie. 257 pp. i8mo. F.

^.50. (AAP., S. +-) Athenaeum, S. 4+-)

(RPP., /!. + +) (AHR., 0.+ +)

  • Channing, Edward. The United States of Amer-

ica, 1765-1865. (Cambridge historical series).

N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1896. 352 pp. 12010.

$1.50. (AAP.,Mr + -) (RH., S.+ +)

  • Channing, Edward, & Hart, A. B., eds. Guide

to the study of American history. B., Ginn

& Co. 471 pp. i2mo. $2.15. (AAP., Mr -) )

(Critic, Ag. 21 + + )

  • Clowes, W. L. The royal navy. 5 vols. Vol. i.

Bost., Little, Brown & Co. (Dial, S. i + + ) Coubertin, Pierre de. The evolution of France

under the Third Republic. From the French.

With introduction by Albert Shaw. N. Y., T.

Y. Crowell&Co.

  • Demoulins, Edmond, A quoi tient la superi-

oritc des Anglo-Saxons. P., Firmin-Didot. 412

pp. i2mo. F. 3.50. (L'Humanitc Nouvelle,

Jl. +-) (AC..J1. 15- + ) Dems, Samuel. Histoirecontemporaine. La chute

de Pempire ; le gouyernement de la defense

nationale; Passemblee nationale. Plon, Nour-

rit & Cie. 520 pp. 8vo. F. 8.

  • Du Bois, W. E. B. The suppression of the Afri-

can slave-trade to the United States of Amer- ica. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1896.

335PP.8VO. $1.50. (PSQ., Je.+ +) (EHR.,

Jl. + + )

  • Fisk, G. M. Die handelspolitischen & sonstigen

volkerrechtlichen Beziehungen zwisrhi-u Deutschland & den Vereinigten Staaten von America. Stuttgart, Cotta. 254 pp. 8mo. M. 5.60. (LC.,Je. 12 + )

  • Ford, P. L. The true George Washington. Ph.,

Lippincott. (Acad., Je. 26 + ) Athenaeum, ^g. 7-+J (LoQR., O.X)

  • Gardmer, S. R. Cromwell's place in history. L.,

Longmans, Green & Co. 120 pp. 8vo. S. 3, 6. (EHR., Jl. + ) (Nation, Ag. 12++) (Academy, Je. 5++-) (Dial, S. 16 + ) (AHR.,6. + -)

Germanicum Repertorium. Regesten aus den papstl. Archiven zur Geschichte des Deutschen Reichs & seiner Territorien im XIV. & XV. Jarh. Hrsg. durch das k. preuss. hist. Institut in Rom. Pontifical Eugens IV (1431-47). i Bd. Br., A. Bath. 677 pp. 8vo. M. 26.

  • Greenridge, A. H. J. A handbook of Greek con-

stitutional history. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1896. 276 pp. i2mo. $1.25. (YR., Ag. + +)

  • Grimm, Hermann. Beitrage zur deutschen Cul-

turgeschichte. Br., Hertz. 459 pp. 8vo. M. 7. (LC., My. 22+ +)

  • Hanotaux, Gabriel. Histoire du Cardinal de

Richelieu. T, 2, icr pt. (1614-1617). P., Firmin-Didot & Cie., 1896. 199 pp. 8vo. (AHR.,J1.+ +) (JEc.,Je. ++)

  • Harding, S. B. The contest over the ratification

of the Federal Constitution in the state of Massachusetts. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. 194 pp. 8vo. $1.25. (PSQ., Je. - + ) (EHR., J1.+)

  • Hart, A, B., ed. American history told by con-

temporaries. Vol. i N. Y., Macmillan Co". 606 pp. 8vo. $2. (YR.,Ag.+ +) (Acad., S. 25++) (Dial, Ag. 16++)

Hassall, Arthur, ed. Periods of European history. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 488 pp. i2mo. $1.75.

Hennedam Rhyn, Otto. Allgemeine Kulturge- schichte von der Urzeit bis auf die Gegenwart. 7 Bd. Die jiingste Zeit. Von der Errichtg. des Deutschen Reiches bis auf die Gegenwart. Lep., O. Wigand. 609 pp. 8vo. M.g.

Hennedam Rhyn, Otto. Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes. (2 Bde.) (In 8 Abtlgn.) 1-4 Abtlg. Br., Historischer Verlag Baum- gartel. i Bd. 1-500 pp. a M. 3.

Hittell, T. H. History of California. In 4 vols. Vol. 3. San Francisco, N. J. Stone & Co. 981 pp. 8vo. $4.

  • Hinde, S. L. The fall of the Congo Arabs. L.,

T. Whittaker. 308 pp. 8vo. (Nation, Ag. 5 + +-) (Critic, S. 25 X)

  • Houston, D. F. A critical study of nullifica-

tion in South Carolina. N. V., Longmans, Green & Co., 1896. 175 pp. 8vo. $1.25. (AAP..J1. +) (PSQ.,Je. + -)

  • Jenks, Edward. The History of the Australasian

Colonies. Cambridge, Eng., University Press. 352 pp. lamo. (RH , S. H )

  • Johnston, H. H. British central Africa. L.,

Metheun & Co. 564 pp. 410. 8.30. (Acade- my, Ag. 21 + + ) (Athenaeum, Jl. 10 + + ) (Dial, O.i ++)

  • Labriola, Antonio. Essais sur la conception ma-

terialiste de Phistoire. P., Giard & Briere. 347pp. i2mo. (JPE.,Je. X) (LC., S. 18 X) (JEc., Jl. xs X) (RMM., Jl. + -)

  • Lavisse, Ernst, et Rambaud, Alfred, eds. His-

toire gcnerale du 46 siecle a nos jours. Vol. o. P., Colin & Cie. 8vo. F. 12. (RPP., Jl. X)

  • Lecestre, Leon. Lettres inedites de Napoleon I.

2 vols. P., Plon, Nourrit&Cie. 8vo. F. 15. (RPP., Ag. X)