Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/588

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diej John. The poor and their happiness:

missions and mission philanthropy. 212 p. D.

Lond. 1895. Macmillian, 35. 6d. Gould, E. R. L. Housing of the working people.

461 p. il. O. Wash. 1895. Gov. print, n. p.

(U. S. Labor Commissioner. Special report

no. 8.)

Graffenried, Clare de. sec Wil'.oughby, \V. K. Gurteen, S. H. Handbook of charity organiza- tion. 254 p. >. Buffalo 1882. Author. Hallowell, Mrs. A. 1>. Jamrs and Lucretia Mott.

Ed. 3. 566 p. il. O. Host. 1885. Houghton, $2. Hartford (Conn.). Outdoor alms, Special commit- tee on. Report. 71 -r 91 p. O. Hartford 1891.

Case. n. p. [At New York State Library.] Henderson, C. R. Introduction to the study of

the dependent, defective, and delinquent classes.

277 p. O. Bost. 1893. Heath, $1.75. Hill, Octavia. Our common land. 206 p. D.

Lond. 1877. Macmillan, 35. 6d. Hobson, J. A. Problem of the unemployed. 163

p. D. Lond. 1896. Methuen, as. 6d. (Soc.

ques. of today.) Problems of poverty. 232 p. D. Lond. 1891.

Methuen, 2S. 6d. (Univ. exten. ser.) Hodder, Edwin. Life and work of the seventh earl

of Shaftesbury. 792 p. il. O. Lond. 1890. Cas-

sell, 75. 6d. Holyoake, G. J. Cooperative movement of today.

198 p. D. Lond. 1891. Scribner (Methuen), $i.

(Soc. ques. of today.) Hull.'W. I. George junior republic. 73-86 p. O.

Phila. 1897. Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci.,

150. (Publications no. 205.) Hull house. M aps and papers. 230 p. O. N.Y.

1895. Crowell, $2.50. (Lib. of econ. & pol.) Hyndman, H. H. Commercial crises of the

nineteenth century. 174 p. D. Lond. 1892.

Scribner (Methuen), $i. (Soc. sci. ser.) Japp, A. H. Good men and true. 438 p. il. D.

f-ond. 1891. Unwin, 35. 6d. Jeune [S. M. E. (Steward- Mackenzie) Stanley],

lady. Lesser questions. Ed. 2. 291 p. D.

Lond. 1895. Dodd (Remington), $1.75. Jevons, W. S. Methods of social reform. 383 p. O.

Lond. 1883. Macmillan, IDS. 6d. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 349

p. D. N. Y. 1875. Appleton, $1.75. (Inter.

sci. ser. I The state in relation to labor. 166 p. D.

Lond. 1882. Macmillan, 35. 6d. (Eng. citizen

ser.; Jones, M. K. Bibliography of college, social, and

university settlements. 54 p. O. Phil. 1896.

College settlement assoc., loc pap. Keeley, L. E. N on heredity of inebriety. 359 p.

D. Chic. 1896. Griggs, $1.50. Kelly. Edmund. Evolution and effort. 297 p. D.

N. Y. 1895. Appleton, $1.25. Lalor, J. L, ed. Cyclopaedia of political science,

political economy, and the political history of

the U. S. 3 v. Q. Chic. 1881-4. Rand, $18. Leffingwell, Albert. Illegitimacy. 160 p. D.

Ix>nd. 1892. Scribner (Methuen), $i. (Soc. sci.

ser.) Loch, C. S. Charity organsiation. 160 p. S. Lond.

1890. Scribner (Sonnenschein), $i. (Soc. sci.

ser.; An examination of " General " Booth's social

scheme. Ed. 2. 100 p. D. Lond. 1890. Son- nenschein, is. pap. Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora. 290 p. D.

Host. 1892. Roberts, $1.25.

Lowell, J. S. Economic and moral effects of pub- lic out-door relief, n p. O. Ind. 1890. C. O. S.,

n. p. Lubbock, Gertrude. Some poor relief questions.

329 p. D. Lond. 1805. Murray, 75. 6d.

McCulloch, O. C. Tribe of Ishmael. Ed. 4. 8 p

diagram O. Ind. 1891. C. O. S., soc. Mi Neil!, G. E. Labor movement. 625 p. O.

Bost. 1887. Bridgman, $3.75. Marshall, Alfred. Elements of economics of Indus

try. 416 p. D. Lond. 1892. Macmillan, fi.

(Elements of economics, Vol. I.) & M. P. Economics of industry. 231 p. D.

Lond. 1890. Maciuiilan, $i. Mead, G. W. Modern methods in church work.

363 p. D. N. Y. 1897. Dodd, $1.50. Mcriwether, Lee. The tramp at home. 296 p. il.

D. N. Y. 1889. Harper, $1.25. Merrick, G. P. Work among the fallen as seen in

the prison cells. 62 p. D. Lond. 1891. Ward, is. Mitchell, Kate. Drink question. 254 p. D. Ixjnd.

1890. Scribner (Methuen), $i. (Soc. sci. ser.) Morris, William. Signs of change. 202 p. O.

Lond. 1888. Reeves, 45. 6d. Morrison, W. D. Crime and its causes. 236 p.

D. Lond. 1891. Scribner (Methuen), $i. (Soc.

sci. ser.) Juvenile offenders. 317 p. D. N. Y. 1897.

Appleton, $1.50. (Criminology ser.) National conference of charities and corrections.

Proceedings. 1874-96, 0. Bost. 1875-96. Ellis,


[Extra volume in 1893 contains History of child

saving.] N. Y. (city) Public baths and public comfort|sta-

tions, Mayor's committee on. Report. 195 p. il.

O. N. Y. 1897. Committee, $i. N. Y. (state) University. Proceedings of the

34th convocation. 270 p. O. Alb. 1896. U. S.

N. Y., 2sc. pap. (Regents' bulletin 36.)

Libray session p. 91-141 . [Also reprinted.] New York charity organization society. Annual

report of committee on provident habits, for 1889.

4 p. O. N. Y. 1890. C. O. S., ic. pap. Handbook for friendly visitors among the

poor. 88 p. S. N. Y. 1883. C. O. S. soc., pap.


New York state charities aid association. Hand- book for visitors to the poorhouse. Ed. 4. S8 p.

D. N. Y. 1888. Putnam, 2sc. pap. (see, also.

Woolsey.) Newton, R. H. Social studies. 380 p. S. N. Y.

1887. Putnam, $1.60. Philanthropy and social progress. 268 p. D.

N.Y. 1893. Crowell, $1.50. Poor in great cities. 400 p. il. O. N. Y. 1895.

Scribner, $3.

Porter, Dwight. Report upon a sanitary inspec- tion of certain tenement house districts of Boston.

76 p. O. Bost. 1889. Rockwell (Associated

charities.) n. p. Riis, J. A. Children of the poor. 300 p. il. O.

N. Y. 1892. Scribner, $2.50. How the other half Fives. 304 p. il. D. N. Y .

1892. Scribner, $2.50. Rogers, J. E. T. Eight chapters on the history of

work and wages. 206 p. D. Lond. 1885. Son-

nenscheim, 35. 6d. Six centuries of work and wages. 591 p. O.

N.Y. 1884. Putnam, $3. Schaffle, A. E. F. Theory and policy of labor

protection. 252 p. D. Lond. 1893. Scribner

(Sonnenschein), $i. (Soc. sci. ser.) Shaw, G. B., ed. Socialism: the Fabian essays.

218 p. D. Bost. 1894. C. E. Brown, 7sc. Shepard, E. M. Work of a social teacher. 14 p. O.

N. Y. 1884. Putnam, IDC. pap. (Economic

tracts.) Small, A. W., & Vincent, G. E. Introduction to

the study of society. 384 p. D. N. Y. 1894.

Amer. Bk. Co.. $1.80. Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigration. 316

p. D. N. Y. 1892. Scribner, $1.50.