Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/713

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Zeitschrift fur Socialwisscnschaft.

GEORG REIMER, Berlin, has issued the first number of this jour- nal, which is to appear monthly, under the editorial direction of Dr. Julius Wolf, formerly of Zurich, now professor of the social sciences at Breslau, author of System der Sozialpolitik.

The new journal is "not for investigators alone, but for citizens, members of parliament, and administrators and their officials, mer- chants, employers, and laborers." "The occupations of all these make attention to social questions necessary." It proposes to be "scientific," but not "technical." It will " cultivate the whole field of the social sciences. The heaviest burden will fall on national econ- omy, but this is not the only science which must furnish building material for the structure of social science. More and more are other sciences professing to work upon problems of a social nature, and to make the results tributary to social solutions. The Ztitschrift accord- ingly has two objects : first, to be a bridge between social science and the public ; second, to be a point of union between the exponents of natural science and the exponents of economic and other political sci- ences, in so far as both concern themselves with social affairs. National economy, social philosophy, and social ethics, also social history and social jurisprudence, ought to direct their pursuits toward synthetic results. Not in treatment of problems strictly within their own limits, but in dealing with so-called social problems, these sciences will have a place in the Zeitschrift in company with the evolutionary theory, anthropology, mass and individual psychology, medicine and hygiene."

While not neglecting more general considerations, the /.citschrift f&r Socialwissenschaft will pay particular attention to aspects of social problems that are of special interest to Germany, Austria, and Switzer- land. We welcome the new journal, and hope it will be able to realize


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