Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/736

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I Articles preceded by stars and followed by a reference to a number of the JOURNAL will be found ii abstract uiidex the head " Notes and Abstracts " in that number of the JOURNAL.]

^Esthetics: Beitrage zur Aesthetik, Max Dessoir,

A o P. T 4 *

Suggestions on aesthetics, E. H. Donkin, Mi., O.

Agriculture: Farm ownership & tenancy in the

United States, Edward Atkinson & L. G.

Powers, ASA., D.

The agricultural labourer: a rejoinder, Margaret

Phillimore, EcR., O. European example for American farmers, A. F.

Weber, NA ! See also Land.

American Republics: Our American republics their true lines of progress, A. H. Anderson, RRN.. 1). Anthropology: Jagd, Vielmicht mid Ackerbau

als Culturstufen. P. R. Bos, IAE.,io: 5. Menschliche Pygnuien dei Stein/eit, L. Buchner,

DR..S. Archaeology & the antiquity of man, J. Evans,

Antiquite de Phomme, G. de Mortillet, REA.,

N. 15.

  • Etudes d'anthropo-sociologie: ecoliers et pay-

sans de Saint-Bricuc, H. Muflang, RIS., N.

(AJS., Mr.)

  • Arbitration. Industrial. Rights of capital &

labor, & industrial conciliation, Mrs. C. R.

Lowell, Church Social Union, Je. (AJS. Ja.) Armies: Some of the contributions of militancy to

the industrial arts, W. B. Bailey, YR., N.

Les consequences de la paix armee, JEc., Ja.

Biography: The tragedy of Renan's life, C. M.

Bake well. N'W., D. Jonathan Edwards it the great awakening, E.

H. Byington, BS., Ja. Heinrich von Treitschke, J. W. Headlam,


Henry George, BS., Ja. Henry George, YR., N. Henry George: a character sketch, Arthur

McKwen, RRX., N.

Samuel Gridley Howe, J. L. Jones, ChR., D. M. I^on Say, prefet de la Seine, Georges

Michel, RPP..N. 10. Canals: Economic effects of ship canals, J. A.

Fairlie, AAP., Ja. See also Railroads.

Capital : Capitalismus, F. v. W., Das Leben, Ja. Kapitalistische Anfange in der Landwirtschaft

und im Gewerbe, G. Grupp, ZGS., 53 : 4. See also Labor. Census: Der Census der Vereinigten Staaten,

JNS., O.

The census of 1900, R. P. Porter, NAR., N. See also Russia. Charities: L' assistance par le travail aux Etats-

Unis, D. B.,JEc.,N. 15. Die Reorganisation der Anstaltspflege, R.

Briickner, JGV., 2 o: 4 . Church Army Lodging House Union, ChOR.,


  • Cliarity & progress, Edward Cummings, QJE.,

Outdoor relief in the West, Robert Hunter,

ChR.,0. Growth & wants of charity organization,

C. S. Loch. ChOR.. N. Relief & care of dependents, II & III, H. A.

Millis. AJS., Ja. & Mr. Some aspects of charity organization, M. A.

Sewell, ChOR., Ja. Friendly visiting a social force, C. F. Weller,

ChR.. N.

Outdoor relief in Ohio, L. B. Gunckel, ChR., N.

Outdoor relief question, H. G. Willink, ChOR., N.

See also Biography, Child Saving, Girls'

Friendly Societies, Insurance, Poverty. Chicago: The street railway situation in Chicago, J.H. Gray.OJK., < >. '

The Italians in Chicago, BDL., N. Child Labor: The Illinois child-labor law, Flor- ence Kelley, AJS., Ja.

Child-Saving: The children of the local govern- ment board, ChOR.. O.

The children's institutions of Boston, W. I. Cole, New Eng. Mag., N.

Dependent children & family homes, W. P. Letchworth, S., Ja.

La protection de f'enfance en Belgique, Albert Montheuil, RP., Ja.

State adoption of street arabs, Mrs. A. Samuels, FN.,Ja. (AJS., Mr.)

See also George Jr. Republic.

China: China & the Pamirs, E. H. Parker, CoR., D.

America's interests in China, J. H. Wilson,

NAR., F. Chinese : The farce of the Chinese exclusion laws,

J. T. Scarf, NAR., Ja. Christianity: see Churches.

Churches: The logia of Behnesa, or the new " Sayings of Jesus," E. A. Abbott, AJT., Ja. Questionings from the pews, B. F. Burnham. A.,

The spirit of modern Methodism, W. T. David- son, CoR., D. Le catholicisme et le progres. A propos d'une

controverse allemande, Alcide Ebray, Revue

chretienne, N. d. The church in modern society, S. D. McConnell,

Outlook, Ja, 15. Les luttes entre 1'cglise et 1'etat au IQC siecle.

Les phases. La revolution frangaise et le pre- mier empire. Etienne Lamy, RDM., N. 15. The Christ of history & of faith, C. H. J. Ropes,

AJT.,Ja. Church of the future, W. J. Tucker, Outlook,

N. 27. See also Institutional Churches, Religion,

Settlements. Cities: The growth of great cities, R. S. Tracy,

Century, N. Social failure of the city, Emma W. Rogers,

BS., Ja. Municipal economics, discussed at the social -

economic conferences of the settlements,

Commons, O.

Municipal art, F. S. Lamb, Municipal Affairs, D. Municipal statistical offices in Europe, . M.

Hartwell, Municipal Affairs, S. The relations of the city & the state, F. J. Good-

now, Municipal Affairs, D. Business men in civic service ; the merchants'

municipal committee of Boston, R. C. Brooks,

Municipal Affairs, S. See also Names of Cities, Garbage, Lighting,

Municipal Ownership, Towns. Civil-service reform: Crisis of civil -service reform,

H. T. Newcomb, NAR., F. Coal : Jevon's coal question, thirty years after, S.

H. Courtney, Jour. Royal Statistical Society,


Coast Defences: The national guard & o*r tea- coast defence, J. C. Ay res. F., D. Our coast defences. N. A. Miles, F., Ja.