Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/896

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Bertolini, Fr., be 130; Besant, Walter, 29; Bes-

son, Antony, be 422 ; Betrocchi, Car., be 421 ;

Bettex, F., DC 720; Betts, Lillian, mb 255. BIBLIOGRAPHY : recent ethnological, 31^, 317 J

"Bibliographic des Socialismus und Commu-

nismus," b 537; "Bibliographic der Socialpo-

litik," b 537; " Annee sociologique," 700;

\bc 425, 714, 719] ; (for full conspecnis of biblio-

graphical matter in this volume, see table of con-

tents). Biblioteca, be 422, 716, 717 ; Bicknell, Anna L., br

715 ; Bigelow, Poultney, br 874 ; Bigham, Clive,

br 420 ; Bilbasson, br 420 ; Billroth, 51 ; Binding,

Karl, br 129 ; be 423, 874. BIOGRAPHY: [ac Chalmers, 427; Darwin, 134;

Drummond, 134, 427 ; Edwards, 877 ; George,

722; Howe, 722; Marx, 134; Mill. 134! Renan,

722; Rumford, 134; Say, 722; Wallace, 134;

Willard, 877; be Arnold, 418; Cromwell, 420;

Cyprian, 718; Gladstone, 873 ; Grant, 715 ; Han-

nibal, 421; Humboldt, 872; Johnston, 131;

Jowett, 130; Katherina II, 420; Ketteler, 716;

Lasalle, 424; Luther, 424; Machiavelli, 423;

Mirabeau, 874; Napoleon, 131, 420, 421, 872;

Pasteur, 869; Peter the Great, 874; Schaff, 718;

Sherman, 130; Spencer, 719; Windthorst, 715;

Young, 874]. BIOLOGY: (be 129, 417, 425]; (see also Evolu-

tion). Bischoff, 46, 59; Bisland, mb 109; Black, T. W

bs 575; Black

G., be 132, bs 573;

Blair, 658; Blanchet, Augustin, ab 557 ; Blaum

75; acman, W. F., 709; Blaikie, W. , J. G., 86,

90, 91

Hans, be 420; Blavot, Henri, be 421. BLIND : see Defectives. Bliss, H. L., a 79-99,355-77; Bliss, W. D. P.,

bs 575; br 709; Block, Maurice, br 131, 716;

Blok, P. J., br 130, 420; Blondel, George, br

719, 720; Bluntschli, 121, 123, 259; Boas, F.,

771; Bodley, J. E. C., ^874; Bohm-Bowerk,

267, 408; Bohmert, Viet., be 870; Boies, H.

M., bs 573; Bokor, G., br 426; Bonham,

mb 253; Bonneron, George, be 870; Boone,

mb 107; Boos, Heinr., be 871, br 715; Booth.

Chas., 615, 621, 854, be 129, br 417, bs 573;

Booth, Maud Ballington, mb 255 ; Booth,

Wm., mb 101, 105, bs 573 ; Booth-Tucker, ab 127 ;

Bosanquet, Bernard, be 418, br 714, bs 573;

Bosanquet, Mrs. Bernard, br 417, bs 575 ;

Bosanquet, Helen, ab 124 ; Bosch, j. M., br 875 ;

Bosco, 474, 849 ; Bosman, 770 ; Boston public

library, bs 575 ; Bougard, Emil, be 423 ; Bourdin,

467; Bourgeois. Leon, be 422; Bourget, be 130;

Bourgoin, E., 49; Bourinot, J. G., br 420;

Boustany, Selim, be 715 ; Boutell, L. H., br 130 ;

Bowker, bs 575; Bowne, B. P., be 418; br 870;

Boyd, 59; Brace, C. L., bs 140, 572; mb 102,

107; Bradley, 518; Brandt, Alex., br 131, 422;

Brath, S. de., br 130. Brentano, Lujo, be 134 ; br 717. Brinkerhoff, Roeliff: bs 572; Brinton, D. G.,

br jiZ; Broca, 42, 59,210; Brodmann, be 133;

Broglie, Due de, be 422; Brookings, bs 575;

Brouardel, P.. be 130; Brough, W., br 871;

Brown, Emma E., $140; Brown, Rob., be 420;

Brown, T. E., bs 575; Brown, W. H., 605;

Browning, 68; Brownson, H. F., be 423; Bruce, . M., 44, 45; Brunhes, M. J., 213; Bryan, W. ., 613, br 130; Bryce, James, br 717, mb 248; iuchenberger, br 716; Bucholz, be 421. BUFFALO: {be 418]. Bullock, C. J., br 716; Bulova, Adolf, be 870;

Bundschuh, 343; Burdett, H. C., bs 573;

Burgess, T. W., 817, br 130; Burgerliches

Gesetzbuch, be 423; Btirmeister, Ludw.. be 417;

Buschmann, Nik., be 716; Bushill, T. W., bs

573; Bustamantey y Sirvin, bri^\ ; Butler, 513;

Butler, N. M.,6c 870; Buxton, W. S., be 140;

Byers, J. J., bs 572.

Cadet, 48 ; Caldwell, William, br 418.


Callahan, J. M., be 875; Calmes, Th., be 133; Calvin, John, 513; Calwer, Richard, br 133; Cameron, D. A., br 871; Campbell, H., 32, 44, 46, 50, 53; Campbell, Helen, bs 139, 140, 573, 575 5 MO i4 198, 203, 205 ; Campbell, L., be 130.

CANADA: territory of, 311 [ac 877, be 131, br 420].

CANALS : [ac 134, 427, 722, be 131, 421],

Cannies, Paul, 208.

CAPITAL: is a phase of evolution, 118 [^427, 722, 877] ! (see also Labor) .

Cappucio, G., be 418; Carle, 51 ; Carlile, W. W., 531; Carlyle, Thomas, 242, 243, 505, 821 ; Caro- line, Queen, &: 130; Carpenter, J. E., bs 573; Carpenter, Mary, bs 572; Carsughi, Achille, be 130; Carter, J. C., 265 ; Cato, 510.

CAUSE: [be 131].

Cavaglieri, be 720; Cavaignac, be 871.

CENSUS: capital & wealth in nth, and faulty comparison with earlier, 79-99 ', correction of, by Mr. Waite, 94; permanent bureau, 234; de- fects of, 355-77; manufactures in nth, 622-30 [ac 722].

CENTRAL AMERICA: division of territory of, 304.


Chabot, Charles, be 870; Chadsey, C. E., br 420; Chalumeau, 315, 320; Chamberlain, 79; Cham- bly, De la Tour-du-Pin, ab 415; Champion, E., 3^420; Chance, W., ^713; Channing, Edward, br 130, 420, 871 ; Channing, F. A., br 720.

CHARITIES: Arraignment of organized charities, ab 127 ; Defense of organized charities, ab 128 ; Sympathy & reason in charitable work, ab 277 ; Charity & progress, ab 555 ; work of St. Vincent de Paul society, 862; [ac 134,427,722,877; be 129,713,869]; (see also Church, Dependents, Poor relief).

Charles, Ernest, be 719 ; Chaumont, bs 575 ; Chiap- pelli, Ales., br 424; Chiarioni, Tullio, be 418.

CHICAGO: saloons of, 2; bs 573 ; [ac 722].

CHILD LABOR: Illinois child-labor law, a 490- 501 ; lack of uniformity in legislation, 490; need of legislation, 491 ; legislation in Illinois & its enforcement, 491-500 ; compulsory education &, 492,499; statistics of , 355-77 ; in Chicago, 376-7; table for Chicago & Cook Co., 560 ; [ac 722],

CHILD-SAVING: The Junior Republic, a 281-96; state care of defective children, 484; State adop- tion of street arabs, ab 712; [ac 135, 427, 722; be 129, 130,448,713]. CHILD STUDY: [ac 135], CHINA: [ac 427, 722; be 718], CHRISTIANITY: [ac 135, 722; &r 132, 134, 423,424,

425,717,875]. Chronographia, be 871.

CHURCHES: saloons vs. , 6 ; Stake of the church in the social movetrtent, a 18-30; place of in society, 18 ; relation to land question, 20 ; wealth, 21 ; hours & conditions of labor, 24 ; responsibili- ties of institutional churches, 25 ; blamed for so- cial ills, 29 ; cities &, 29 ; program & bibliograhy, mb 106 ; A plea &* a plan for a cooperative church parish system in cities, a 795-808; relation of the church to charity, 795-6 ; church & school compared as to social service, 796; Protes- tant & Catholic church work compared, 797-99 ; plans to remedy the Protestant deficiency, 800; Evangelical Alliance plan, 800; plan of federa- tion of churches & Christian workers advocated, 802-8; bishop for Episcopal in America, 830; [ac 135, 427, 722, 877; be 132; br 132]. Church, W. C., br 715.

CITIES: Municipal conditions in in California, a* 127 ; Development of American cities, ab 128 ; Problem of municipal government, ab 128; cra- niometry of inhabitants of, 325 ; reason for power of English municipal corporations, 672; [ac 135