Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/904

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SEX : On a difference in the metabolism of the sexes, a 31-63; nutrition &, 31-5; effect of sea- son on, 33 ; effect of crossing & inbreeding on, 36-7; idiots &, 40, 43; men compared with women as to variation, 40; brain, 40, 58; form, 41 ; reproductive needs, 45 ; fat, 46 ; strength, 46 ; blood, 47, 57; waste products, 49; respiration, 49; sleep, 50; pain, 50; disease, 53; number (proportion of sexes), 54; mortality, 56-7; influ- ence of sex & somatic conditions on society, 60- 63 ; sex desire, estimate of by society, 656 ; Rela- tion of sex to primitive social control, a 754- 76; promiscuity, monogamy, & discontinuous monogamy, 754; reasons for matriarchical condi- tions, 755, 761, 763; exogamy, 756, 767-8 ; ma- ternal descent, 756-61 ; paternal descent, 759, 761 ; mixed system of the Wyandots, 763-5 ; ascend- ency of women, 765 ; ascendency of man by rea- son of physical power, 766-71, 773-6; marriage by capture, 769 ; marriage for a portion of the time, 772; [ac 430, 880; be 715].

Seydel, A., be 425 ; Shaftesbury, 513, 535 ; bs 573 ; Shakespeare, 347; Shaler, N. S. ; Sharp, 67 ; Shaw, Albert, m& 100, 105, 248, 249, 251 ; Shaw, G. B., bs 5745 Shaw, W. B., mb 108; Sheldon, H. G., bs 576; Sheldon, W. L., 6r 134; Shep- ard, E. M., bs 574; Shepherd, W. R., br 421 ; Sherard, R. H., be 131; Sherman, John, 398; Sherwood, Sidney, ab 412 ; bs 576.

SHIPPING: fac 430, 726, 880 J. /ick, Henry, br 870; 5

Sidgwick, Henry, I

870; Sidis, Boris, be 719; r -4i8; be Georg, a

Siebold, 34; Sighele, Scipio, be 130; br 418; be 875; Simcox, E. J., 760, 773; Simmel, Georg, a 662-98, 829-36, 700, 859 ; Simon, Jules, be 873 ;

Simonides, 336; Simons, A. M., a 614-21 ; Sim- onton, C. H., &r 423 Sinclair, mb 250.

SINGLE TAX : churches &, 20 ; [ac 430, 726 ; be 715],

Slater, Samuel, 183.

SLAVERY: [be 130, 417].

Sloane, W. M., 6r 419, 421 ; Slominski, Ludu., be 424; Small, A. W., mb 103, 109; r in, 113; a I45-7 , 340-54, 662; r 699,700, 702, 705, 829; bs 574; Smith, 88, 96; Smith, Adam, br 132, 710; Smith, G. B., be 873; Smith, G. W., bs 576; Smith, H. P., be 424; br 718; Smith, J. T., bs 139; Smith, R. M., bs 574, 575, 576; Smith, Robertson, 759, 760, 773 ; Smith, T. C., br 873.

Smyth, Newman, be 129, br 714.

SOCIAL AMELIORATION: programme & bibliogra- phy, mb 255.

SOCIAL CONTROL : Social control, a 64-78, 236-247, ?38-9, 502-19, 649-61,808-28; art as an element in, 64-78; influence of art through passions, 64; sympathy, 64 ; aesthetic sense, 67 ; sense or the sublime, 69; in perfecting social symbols, 69; new types, 72; personality as a force in social control, 236-47; error in Carlyle's theory, 243; limits of, 244; decline of, 247; music, 328; cus- toms, 328; enlightenment, 329-37; conse- quences of enlightenment ; physiological, 331 ; psychological, 332; social, 333-9; pseudo-con- sequence, 503 ; solidarity, 504-7 ; asceticism, 508-11; moral philosophy, 511-19; social valua- tions as a means of, 649-60; desires, nature & control of, 649-50 ; what desires survive, & why, 652-61 ; the system of, 808-28 ; marks of a good system of control: economy, 815; inwardness, 815 ; simplicity of belief oasis, decentralized management, 817 ; sociology, 822 ; philosophy of history, 822 ; moral education, 825 ; social reconstruction, 825; ethics, 826; composite character of, 827 ; religion, requisites of a strong, 816; limitations of, 827; (see also Sex).

Socialdemokratisches Partei, be 719.

SOCIAL EVOLUTION: Process of social change, ab 272.

Sociale Wirken, be 714.

SOCIAL GROUPS: Persistence of social groups, a 662-96, 829-36; scope of sociology, 662-4;

how groups in society maintain themselves, 664-98; integrating factors, kingship, 672-5; symbols, 675-6; inherited property, 676-80; honor, 680-83 J delegated officials or organs, 683-98 ; supply of new organs by a group, 829- 30; preservation of group by rigidity or plia- bility, 831.

SOCIALISM: fantastic forms of, 117; Marx & Ri- cardo. 117; programme & bibliography, mb 254; probable outcome of, 519; " Bibliogra- phic des Socialismus und Communismus," 6 537; Socialism in Italy, ab 559; impractica- bility of, 825; [ac 137, 430, 726, 880; be 133, 423, 424, 425, 718, 719, 875].

SOCIALISM, CHRISTIAN: [ac 435, 726; be 425, 719].

SOCIAL MOVEMENT: The meaning of the social movement, a 340-54; outward character of, 340-45 ; change of condition vs. change in con- dition, 341-4 ; I inward character of, 345-54 ; present, a continuation of past, 345-9; is an effort to get opportunity for happiness and se- curity, 350-54; "Social spirit in America," 6 4045*

SOCIAL PROBLEMS : " Problemes spciaux con tempo - rains," b 115; social question is economic, 115- 19; relation of to sociology,|i5i-s; [be 425] ; (see also Selections, Social).

SOCIAL PATHOLOGY : nature of, 265.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY : Psychology of social prog- ress, ab 124; " Social and ethical interpretations in mental development," b 541-4; growth of in- dividual mind & social mind compared, 541-4 ; "Conscience et volonte sociales," b 544; psy- chological vs. biological analogy, 544; Psychol- ogy of social organization, ab 558; [be 425, 719, 720,875,876].

SOCIAL QUESTION: [be 425, 719, 720].

SOCIAL} REFORM : Social renovation & the his- toric school, ab 555 ; Animated moderation in social reform, ab 556; " Bibliographic der Social - politik," b 537; [be 134, 425, 719]-

SOCIAL STUDY : A programme for social study, a' 100, 109, 248-57; (see subheads of article for analysis and special bibliographies) .

Societe, be 714, 717-

SOCIETIES: federation of churches & Christian workers in New York city, 796.

SOCIETY: influence of somatic & reproductive conditions on, 60-63; nature of, 263, 473-4, 664-5 J legal organization of, 267 ; effect of con- tiguity of nationsj 296; fear the leading motive of, 532 ; germ of, in the horde, '702 ; (see also Organic Concept) ; [ac 137, 430].

SOCIOLOGY: "Dynamic sociology," 6 no; final social art and feeling, no; "The theory of so- cialization." 6 111-13; is primarily concerned with social genesis, in ; principles of social evo- lution not discoverable, 112 ; Sociology as an in- troduction to law, ab 121 ; The sociologists' point of view, a 145-70; study of. 147-51 ; origin of, 145; problem & method of, 155-70; phe- nomena of, 155-70; Sociological instruction at Paris, a 206-15; study of in Germany, 209; reasons for, 211 ; " Organisme et Societe," b 258; "La pathologic sociale," b 258; Over nutrition and its social consequences, ab 270; Genesis of social classes, ab 272; Process of so- cial change, ab 272; Conflict of races, classes, and societies, ab 273; "Evolution regressive en biologic et en sociologie," b 408; A tributary science to economics, 410-12; Psychological bases of sociology, ab 415, 551; suicide and, 472-8; Tarde's theory of imitation, 476-7; na- ture of social solidarity, 504-7; Our social and ethical solidarity, ab 53 ; " Zeitschrift fur Social - wissenschaft," reviewed, 699; Economic prog- ress and social ethics, ab 706 ; the sociology of suggestion, 708; Sociology and juridical history, ab 708; "Anne'e sociologique," b 7'> "Die