Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu/883

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Solomons. L. M. Alleged proof of parallelism from the conservation of energy, PhR., Mr.

See also Sociology. Seal Question: Clark, A. Scientific experts &

the Bering Sea controversy, PSM., Mr. Sexes: Oliphant, J. Relations of the sexes,

IJE., Ap. Shipping: Dunell, G. R. The prospective ex- pansion of American ship-building, EM., Ap. Socialism: Ingegnieros, J. Le socialisme en Argentine, HN., F.

Justinien, Laurent. Catholicisme social el de- mocratic chrctienne, AC, K.

Pascal, G. de. Conceptions philosophiques ci historiques du socialisme allemand, AC, Mr.

Rossignoli, Giovanni. Democrazia cristiana e diritto divino, RISS., F.

Sorel, G. Y a-t-il de Tutopie dans le marxisme? RMM., Mr.

See also Sociology. Sociology: Achelis, T. Die Philosophie in ihrer Erneuerung durch Sociologie und Psychologic, ZS.,Mr.

Ammon, O. Some social applications of the doctrine of probability, JPE., Mr.

Ara'jjo, Oscar d'. L hyperpositivisme de M. deRoberty, HN., Mr.

Asturio. h. I-a scienza morale e la sociologia generale, RilS., Ja.

Baldwin, J. M. The social & the extra-social, AJS., Mr.

Barth, P. Uie Frage des sittlichen Fortschritts der Menschheit, VWP., 23: i.

Benini, R. Gerarchie sociali. — Contributo alia teoria qualltativa della popolazione, RilS, Ja.

Delbet, E. Les bases sociales d'apres Augusle Comte, RIS., Ja.

Duprat, G. L. Morphologie des faits sociaux, RIS., F.

Elwood, C A, Prolegomena to social psychol- ogy, AJS.. Mr.

Fouillee, Alfred. L'idce de justice sociale d'apres les ccoles contemporaines, RDM., Mr. I.

Groppali, A. Discussion avec M. le professeur Ardigo sur la sociologie et le materialisme his- torique, RIS., Ja.

Groppali, A. La science comme phenomene social, DS., D.

Kimble, R. G. Contributions to the compara- tive study of association, AJS., Mr.

Lerda, G. Consequcnze sociologiche di recenii

teorie sull* eredit^, RilS.. Ja. I'arde. RIS.. F.

Limousin. Delbet et l"a

Bases sociales.

Sorel, G. Marxismo e scienza sociale, RilS., J a.

Starcke, C. N. Quelques questions sur la methode de la sociologie, RIS., Ja.

Tolman, W. League for social service, A,, Ap.

Ward, L. F. Sociology & economics, AAP., Mr.

Zueblin, C World's first sociological labora- tory, AJS., Mr,

See also Anthropology, Churches, United States. Spain: Clarke, H. Spanish government vs. the nation, F., Ap.

Spanish-American War: Lodge, H.C Span- ish-American war, Harper's, iVlr.-Ap. Speculation : Emery, H. Futures in the grain

market. EcJ,, Mr. Street Railways: Garcke, Emile. Commercial aspects of electric traction in Great Britain, E.\L, Ap. Monge, F. de. Une question delicate. RSC, Mr. Streets: see Cities. Strikes: ift^ Cooperation. Suffrage: iff Negro.

Sugar: Cramptuo, C Opportunity of the sugar- cane industry, NAR., Mr. Sunday: Byles, C E. Sunday in London, New

Century Review, Ap. Tariff; Reeves, W. Protective tariff in Australia

& New Zealand, EcJ., Mr. Taxation: Guilloi, P. La suppression des oc- trois, RPP.. Mr. InhUlsen, C H. P. Einkommensteuer in Gross-

brittannien und Irland, INS., 72: 3.' Manchez, G. L'impot general sur le revenue,

RPP.. Mr. Meyer, R. Die ersten Ergebnisse der Per- sonaleinkommensteuer in Oesierreich, ZVS., 8;i. Sanger, C Is the English system of taxation

fair? EcJ.. Mr. Wells, D. Best methods of taxation, PSM.. Ap. Telephone: Hemming, A. Telephonwesen

Schwedens, JNS., 77 : 2. Theology: King, H. C. Reconstruction in the- ology, AJT., Ap. Trade : Adams., B., & Taylor, B. The commer- cial future, FR., F. Magee, Louis J. America & Germany as fx- port competitors & customers, EM., Mr. Trade Unions: see Labor. Tramps: Lambert, A. Un ctrange delit; le

vagabondage, RP., F. Trusts : The future of trusts, BS., Ap.

Macrost^', H. W. The growth of monopoly in

British industry', CoR , Mr. Morgan, F. W. Great problems in organization.

Cosmopolitan, Ap. Sec also Capital. United States: Frost, W. G. Our contem- porar>' ancestors in the southern mountains, Atlantic, Mr. Grasso, G. Nouveaux freins dans les institu- tions poHtiques americaines. RPP.. Mr. See also Army, Cuba, Imperialism, Mail, Navies, Philippines, Railroads, Trade, War. Vacant-Lot Cultivation: Chastaud, G. Choses a faire : les jardins ouvrlers, RCS., Mr. Vacant-lot cultivation, ChR., Mr., p. 5. Vacation Schools: j^-f Education. War: Rowe, L. Influence of the war on our public life, F.. Mr. Wyatt, H. F. War as the supreme test of na- tional value. NC, F. Wealth: Powers, H. H. Wealth and welfare,

AAP., Mr. Wheat: Atkinson, Edward. Wheat problem again, PSNL, Ap. Block, M. Le commerce des cereales en Ame-

ricque et en Europe, RPP.. RPP., F. Wolf. Julius. Die Getreidekonjunkiur, ZS., Mr.