Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/244

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conspiracy against trade.' (3) The penalty for this offense is {a) a fine of not less than fifty dollars^ nor more than five thousand dollars imposed upon the offending firm or corporation for each day the offense is kept up; 3 (^) a similar fine or imprisonment for six months to one year inflicted upon the offending agent or officer of the trust;* (t) forfeiture of franchise or license to do business ;5 and (<^) the invalidating of contracts, whether between members of the trust* or between the trust and its customers ; and if payment is made to a trust for any of its wares, the amount may be recovered.' (4) Refusal to buy from or sell to any concern for the reason that it is not a member of the trust,' or selling at less than cost of production, or giving away com- modities for the purpose of financially injuring competitors,' shall not only constitute a violation of the anti-trust act, but shall render the offender liable to the injured party twice'" or three- fold" the amount of damages actually sustained. (5) The interest of the prosecuting officers is enlisted by the grant of one-fourth of the fine recovered.'^ (6) Cases involving trusts shall have prece- dence of all other court business, except criminal cases where the defendants are in jail ; '3 or a peremptory order may be issued by the supreme court for an examination by the attorney-general whenever the latter deems one necessary.'* (7) In order to secure

■ Michigan, sec. 4.

' Michigan, sec. 4. The other states make the minimum fine two hundred dollars.

3 Arkansas, sec. 2 ; Texas, sec. 5 ; Michigan, sec. 7. The older Missouri law has same fine.

  • Michigan, sec. 4.

s Arkansas, sec. 3 ; Texas, sec. 7 ; Michigan, sec. 2; Missouri, Act of April 18, sec. I.

'Michigan, sec. 8 ; and implied in all the laws.

'Texas, sec. 12.

'Missouri, Act of May 10. 1899, sec. I ; Texas, sec. 6.

'Texas, sees. 3, 4.

'" Michigan, sec. 1 1 .

"Missouri, Act of May 10, sec. 4.

"Arkansas, sec. 5 ; Texas, sec. 9.

'3 Arkansas, sec. 6 ; Texas, sec. 10.

■* Missouri, Act of May 4, 1899, sees. 2, 3.