Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/438

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Apelt, Kurt. Die Konsumtion der wichtigsten K-ulturlander in den Ictzen Jahrzehnten. Elne statistisch-volksw. Studie B.. Putikamraer & Miihibrecht. 255 pp. 8vo. M. 3.60.

Cossa, Lugi. Histoire des doctrines economiques. ... P., Giard & Briere. 578 pp. 8vo. f. 10.

Ferris, A. J. Pauperizing the rich: an inquiry into the value & significance of unearned wealth to its owners & to society. Phil., T. S. Leach & Co. 432 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Loria, Achille. Economic foundations of society; tr. from 2d French ed. by L. M. Keasbey . . . N. Y., imp. by C. Scribner's Sons. 385 pp. i2mo. $1.25. (Social science ser.)

Marshall, A. R. Principles of economics. Ed. 4. L., Macmillan & Co. 8vo. 12s. 6d.

Rochet in, Eugene. L'avenir economique dc I'Espagne et du Portugal. P., Berger-Le- vrault & Cie. 24 pp. 8vo.

Sargent, A. J. The economic policy of Colbert. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 138 pp. i2mo. $0.75. (Studies in economics & politi- cal science.)

14. Political Science.

Block, J. S. Future of war in its technical, eco- nomic & political relations . . . tr. by R. C. Long. N.V., Doubleday & McClure Co. 390 pp. 8vo. $2.

Bosanquet, Bernard. Philosophical theory of the stale. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1899. 342 pp. 8vo. $3.25.

Branson, W, J. Tendencies in primary legislation. Phil., American Academy of Pol. S: Soc. Sci. 56-73 pp. 8vo. $0.15. (Publications of the society, no. 252.)

Brunclli, Ign. Teorica della sovranita. Ferrara, tip. Taddel, 1898. 301 pp. 8vo.

Carter, H. N. Jurisdiction of federal courts. B., Little, Brown & Co. 303 pp. 8vo. $3.50.

Clarke, H. D., comp. Handbook of all the decisions of the supreme court of the U. S. 1881-1891. Pt. I, Index by subjects; Pt. 2, Index by cases. Supplement, 91-97. . . . N. Y., Lawyers' Cooperative Pub. Co. 843 pp. 8vo.

Cleveland, F. A. Articles of confederation, re- arranged for class study. B., B. H. Sanborn & Co. 16 pp. i2mo. $0.15.

Cleveland, F. A, Constitution of France, re- arranged for class study. B., B. H. Sanborn & Co. 29 pp. i2mo. $0.15.

Durrigal, Bruno. Elemente des osterreichischen Privat- u. offentlichen Rechtes, m. Beriick- sicht- der Gesetzgebg. in Croatien-Slavonien, f. Laien u. Studierten. Wien, Manz. 568 pp. 8vo. M. 6.

Ferracciu, C. Le inchieste parlamentari nel dritto pubblico moderno. Torino, Ermanno Loescher. 217 pp. 8vo. L. 4.

Francois, Charles. La representation des interets dans les corps elus (thi^se). Lyon, libr. Rey. 363 pp. 8vo,

Gilson, J. L'eiude du droit romain compare aux autres droits de I'antiquite. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner. 295 pp. 8%'0. M. 4.

Guyot, Yves. La question electorale en France et la representation proportionnelle ; conference. P., impr. Balitout. 40 pp. 8vo. f. 0.20.

Jordan, D. S. Imperial democracy: a study of the relation of government by the people, equality before the law & other tenets of de- mocracy to the demands of a vigorous foreign policy & other demands of imperial dominion. N. Y\, Appleton. 293PP- istno. $1.50. Keltic, J. S., & Renwick, Q. P. A., eds. States- man's year-book: statistical & historical an- nual of the states of the world for 1899. 36th

year. Amer. ed. by C. D. Wright. . . . N.Y„ Macmillan Co. 28a + 1196 pp. Maps. i2mo. $3. Mackenzie, Lord. Studies of Roman law with comparative views of the laws of France, England & Scotland, ed. by J. Kirkpatrick. Ed. 7, rev. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 473 pp. 8vo. $8.40. May, H. J. Treatise on the practice & procedure of the U. S. supreme court, common law, equity, admiralty, criminal law, court of claims, interstate commerce commission, with rules & forms. Wash., J. Byrne & Co. 233 pp. 8vo. $6 Montesquieu. Pensces et fragments inedits de Montesquieu, publics par le baron Gaston de Montesquieu. T. i. 542 pp. 410. f. 12. Morini, Car. 11 potere regie in Italia: studio teoretico-pratlco. Casalmonferrato, tip. C. Cas- sione. 259 pp. i6mo. L. 2. Patureau-.Mirand, Joseph. Les iribunaux mixtcs d'Egypte (these). Poitiers, impr. Blais et Roy. 197 pp. 8vo. Peterman, A. I. Elements of civil government: a text-book for use in the public schools, high schools & normal schools, & a manual of reference for teachers. Michigan ed. N. Y., Amer. Bk. Co. 261 pp. izmo. $0,60. Presutti, Errico. La siato parlamentare ed i suoi impiegati amministrativi. Napoli, Anacreonte Chiurazzi. 544 pp. 8vo. L. 6. Saripolos, Nicolas. La democratic et I'election proportionnelle (these). P., Arthur Rous- seau. 481 pp. 8vo. Simonnet, H. Le gouvernement parlementaire et I'Assemblee constituante de 1789 (these). P., libr. Larose. 129 pp. 8vo. Sites, C. M. S. Centralized administration of liquor laws in the American commonwealths. N. Y.. Macmillan Co. 162 pp. _8vo. $1. (Columbia University studies in hist., etc., V. 10, no. 3.) Troilo, Nic. Sulla necessita d'una riforma del vigente sisiema elettorale: studi pratici. Roma, fratetli Capaccini. 23 pp. i6mo. Valentini, Giov. Amrainistrazioue patrimoniale nel comune italiano e funzioni di ragioneria. Verona, tip. Annichini, 1898. 79 pp. 8vo. Wirth.Albr. Wachstum der Vereini^ten Staaten V. Amerika u. ihre auswartige Politik. Bonn, C. Georgi. 196 pp. 8vo. M. 3. Zom, Philip. Constitutional position of the Ger- man emperor. Phil., Amer. Acad, of Pol. & Soc. Science. 73-93 PP- 8vo. $0.25. (Pub- lications of the soc, no. 257.)

15. Religion, Churches.

Ball, C. J. Light from the East or witness of the monuments: an introduction to study of biblical archeology. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 314 pp. 4to. 15s.

Beardslce, J. W, The Bible among the nations: a study of the great translators. N. Y. & Chic, F. H. Rcvell Co. 226 pp. i2mo. $1.

Brooke, C. E. This church & realm: some diffi- culties of the day examined. L., Rivingtons. 164 pp. 8vo. 2S. 6d.

Casey, P. H. Notes on a " History of auricular confession": H. C. I^a's account of the power of the keys in the early church. Phil., J. J. McVey. 118 pp. i2mo. $0.50.

Church. R. W. On the relations between church & stale. L., Macmillan Co. 60 pp. 8vo. is. (Reprinted from the Christian Remembrancer.)

Dcarden, W. H. Modern Romanism examined. L., Jas. Nisbet & Co. 4^0 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Dennis, J. S., D.D. Christian missions & social progress: a sociological study of foreign