Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/487

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The size of each rain-bath is 4 X 4, with a dressing alcove of the same dimensions. On the right is the swimming-school room, 28 X 26, containing a swimming tank, 10 X 24, which varies in depth from 2J/^ to 4 feet. This room has also a rain-bath and six double dressing-rooms. The rain-baths are all of the Gegen- strom pattern, which permits the bather to regulate the tempera- ture of the water to suit himself.

Doors at either side of the superintendent's office admit to the main part of the building, which contains the natatorium and spectators' gallery. The apartment is 48 feet wide, 99 feet long, and 32 feet high to the apex of the vaulted ceiling. This splen- did hall is finely lighted by arched and gable windows on the three sides, and a large skylight, 15 X 52. The flooring is all of artificial stone. The tank is 80 X 26 and has an average oi 4j4 feet of water. A heavy brass guard-rail is placed at the edge of the tank, having marble cuspidors at regular inter- vals. Steps of Tennessee marble lead into the water at the four corners.

A very suggestive feature consists in having 42 dressing- rooms around the tank, with passageways, 3 feet 6 inches, on either side. This special arrangement (to be found only in the best and most recently equipped bathing establishments of the continent) has many advantages. Among them are the con- venience of keeping clean the inner passageway around the tank, the better ventilation of the dressing-rooms, and better order among the bathers. The inner passageway next the tank is used only by patrons in swimming costumes, and the outer for entrance and exit. In the center south end of the hall are three rain-baths, and two additional ones are located at each side of the north end, all being provided with foot-baths. These are used for the preliminary cleansing bath, which is required before the bather is allowed to go into the swimming tank.

The large swimming tank, like the small instruction tank, is lined with white glazed brick on the sides, but the floors are covered with light adamantine mosaic, as bricks would be too slippery. This lining is visible through the perfect transparency