Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/545

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measurements, which included the following : weight, height, sitting height, strength of chest, hand grasp, cephalic index, dis- tance between arches, between orbits, corners of eyes, crown to chin, nasal index, length of ears, of hands, of middle fingers, of thumbs, width and thickness of mouth, height of forehead, anterior and posterior diameters. Viewed from the standpoint of Lombroso's theory of atavism, all of these measurements have a bearing upon the relation of heredity and environment to crime. Emphasizing the former, Lombroso believes that the criminal possesses more degenerate characteristics and stigmata than do other classes.

Before comparing the specific measurements, there are some general statements of fundamental importance which should be made regarding Lombroso's work.

The number of normals measured is so small that his deduc- tions as to differences between normals and criminals must be accepted judiciously. The number of criminals given is 1,033 ! of normals, 225, who were taken from hospitals ; 30 not in hospi- tals were measured.

His measurements have been so largely anthropometrical ; the psychological and environmental side, including training, has been so largely neglected, that his conclusive statements regard- ing born and occasional criminals, and his dogmatisms about heredity and atavism, must be accepted with some hesitancy.

His tendency to work out theories of degeneracy upon such doubtful material as historic documents of 1492, and discuss physiognomy from pictures he admits are not authentic,' must render him liable to the charge of partiality for this theory.

His generalizations from a few cases have tended to mislead. Thus, his descriptions of typical murderers and of criminal expressions cannot be duplicated into a general rule, and are to be found without the prison walls as well as within them.

Turning now to my series of measurements, what are the results ?

The following measurements I have not compared with his results : height, cephalic index, facial measurements, length of

'" Was Columbus Morally Irresponsible ?" Forum, June, 1899.