Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/575

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social sciences. Although the study before us does not go quite to the root of the matter, it is in the spirit of the less dogmatic and the more analytic and scientific method that will presently prevail in sociology.

A. W. S.

Bibliographic des Socinlismiis tttid Comnmnismus. Von Josef Stammhammer. Band II. Nachtrage und Erganzungen bis Ende des Jahres 1898. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1900. Pp. iv + 403.

This volume is a supplement to an earlier one published in 1893. Vol. I gave a very full bibliography of socialism and communism as treated in books, pamphlets, magazines, and socialistic papers down to the close of the year 1891. Vol. II supplements the earlier one and completes the bibliography to the close of the year 1 898. Although the list of titles cited in 1893 seemed quite exhaustive, almost one-half of those appearing in the new volume are of contributions bearing a date prior to 1891. Most of these are of pamphlets which could have been discovered only by the most careful research.

Both volumes give evidence of having been carefully prepared, and

give only those titles taken from authoritative sources, or of works

known to and examined by the author. The subject-indexes are good,

so that the bibliography should prove of value to students of any phase

of the subjects covered.

H. A. MiLLis. The John Crerar Library,
