Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/584

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Lcist, E. Der Wechselprotest u. seine Reform. Ein Beitrag zur Revision des Wechselrechts. Berlin, Siemenroih & Troschel. 174 pp. 8vo. M. 3.50.

Plebana, Achille. Storia della finanza italiana dalla cosiituzione del nuovo regno alia fine del secolo 19. V.I, 1861-1878 . . . Torino, Roux, Frassati e C. 520 pp. 8vo. L. 6.

Schweyer, Frz. Die Bankdepotgeschafte in ge- schichtlicher, wirtschaftlichcr u. rechtsHcher Beziehung dargestellt. Miinchen, J. Schweitzer Verl. 171 pp. 8vo. M. 3.50.

Tangorra, V, 11 controllo fiscale del ramministra- zione finanziaria: ricercbe intorno a taluni lineament! formali dalla finanzia. Torino, fratelli Bocca. 143 pp. Svo.

10. History {American & Social). Abbott, W. Crisis of the Revolution, being the

sxoxy of Arnold & Andre, now for the first time

collected from all sources & illustrated. N. Y.,

W. Abbott, iSgg. 120 pp. il. Svo. $2. Barriogton, B. C. Magna Charta & other great

charters of England; with an historical treatise

& copious explanatory notes. Ph., W- J.

Campbell, 1900. 342 pp. i2mo. $3. Bemheim, Ernst, Geschicht^unterricht u. Ge-

schichtswissenschaft im Verhalinis zur kultur-

u. sozialgeschichtlichen Bewegung unseres

Jahrhunderts. 56pp. 8vo. M. i. (Padago-

gische Zeit- u. Streitfragen. Heft 56.) Callahan, J. M. Cuba & international relations:

a historical study in American diplomacy.

Balto., Johns Hopkins Press. 503 pp. Svo. $3. [Dill. S. Roman society in the last century of the

AVestem Empire. Ed. 2, revised. L., Mac-

millan & Co. 4S8 pp. 8vo.] Dinwiddle. W. Puerto Rico: its conditions &

possibilities. L., Harper & Bros. 302 pp.

Svo. los. 6d. Elton. O. Augustan ages. L., Blackwood &

Son. 440 pp. Svo. 5s. Fiske, John. Dutch & Quaker colonies in America.

Bo., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 2 v. i2mo, $4. Ford, P. L. ^lany-sided Franklin, N. Y,, Cen- tury Co, 516 pp. Svo. $3. Gilmore, J. R. E. K. Personal recollections of

Abraham Lincoln & the Civil War. L., John

Macqueen. 338 pp. Svo. 12s, Hapgood, Norman. Abraham Lincoln: the man

of the people. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 433

pp. i2mo. $2. Ireland, Alleyne. Tropical colonization: an introd.

to the study of the subject. N. Y,, Macmillan

Co. 282 pp. Svo. $2 Jefferson, Thomas. AVritings, ed. by P, L. Ford.

In 10 v. V. 10, N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Svo. $5. [Judson, H. P. Growth of the American nation.

New ed. N, Y,, Macmillan Co. 359 pp.

i2mo. $1.] Mackennal, A. Homes & haunts of the Pilgrim

fathers, L., Relig. Tract Soc. 200 pp. 410,

30s, Matthews, Franklin. New -bom Cuba. N, Y.,

Harper & Bros. 3S8 pp. por, il. Svo. $2.50. Monroe, James, "Writings .... ed. by S. Kl.

Hamilton. In 6 or 7 v. V. 2. N. Y., G. P.

Putnam's Sons. Svo. $5. Oman, C. W. England in the nineteenth century.

L., Edward Arnold. 284 pp. Svo. 3s. 6d. Pollock, Frederick, & Maitland, Mrs. Charlotte

Fuller. The Etchingham letters. N. Y.,

Dodd, Mead & Co. 343 pp. i2mo. $1.25. Rhodes, J. F. History of the L^nited States from

the compromise of 1850. In S v. V. 4,

1862-4. N. Y., Harper & Bros. 45S pp. Svo.

$2.50. Schouler, James. United States during the Civil

AVar: being V. 6 of the History of the United

States under the constitution. N. Y., Dodd,

Mead & Co., 1899. Svo. $2.25. Thomas, Emile. Roman life under the Caesars.

N. Y,, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 370 pp, i2mo. . $1.75. Xenopol, A. D. Les principes fondamentaux de

I'histoire. P.. libr, Leroux. 352 pp. Svo.

II. International Law.

Brujras, Nicolas. De la declaration de guerre: sa justification; ses formes ext^rieures (these). Lyon, libr. Rey. 218 pp, Svo.

Foucher, L. De revolution du protectorat de la France sur la Tunisie (these). P., libr. La- rose. 292 pp. Svo.

Pierantoni, Aug. FortschrJtte des Volkerrechtes im 19. Jahrh., ijbers. v. Frz. Scholz. 132 pp. Svo. M. 3.

12. Labor.

France — Office du travail, Les associations pro fessionelles ouvrieres. T. i, Agriculture. Mines, Alimentation, Produits chimiques, In- dustries polygraphiques P., Impr. nationale, 909 pp, Svo.

Gresmel, W, P. United States St their industries L., G, Philip. 100 pp. i2mo. is.

Internationale Vereinigung f. gewerb. Rcchis schutz. 2. Jahrg. 1898. B., C. Heymann's Verl 520 pp. Svo. St. 9.

Seilhac, L. de. L'evolution du parti syndical en France. P., A. Rousseau, 39 pp. Svo.

Martino, G. de. La produttivita economica del lavoro nelle sue cause e nei suai effetti. Na- poll, tip, Pesole. 48 pp. Svo.

13. Political Economy.

Chase, C. H. Elementary principles of economics, .... C, C. H. Kerr & O). 405 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Conrad, Joh. Grundriss zum Studium derpoliti- schen Oekonomie. 4, Tl. Statistik, i, Tl. Die Geschlchte u. Theorie der Statistik. Die Be- volkerungsstatistik. Jena, G. Fischer. 162 pp. Svo. M. 4.

Cossa, Em. Principi elementari per la teoria in- teresse. Milano, Ulrico Hoepli edit., 1900. 143 p^. Svo. L. 3.

Grabski, bt Zur ErkenntnJsslehreder volkswirth- schaftlichen Erschelnungen. Lp., C, L. Hirschfeld. M. 4.2c.

Heyn, Otto. Theorie deswirthschaftlichenWerths. I, Der Begriff des Werths. B., Puttkammer & Mijhlbrecht. 129 pp. Svo, M. 3.

Jordan, D, S., & Slallard, J. H. True basis of economics; or, the law of independent & col- lective human life: being a correspondence on the merits of the doctrine of Henry George. N. v., Doubleday & ^TcClure Co, 129 pp. Svo. $0.50.

Labriola, Arturo. La teoria delvalore di C. Marx: studio sul 3 libro del Capitale. Palermo, Remo Sandron. 295 pp. i6mo. L. 3,

Montemartini, Giov. lotroduzione alio studio della distribuzione della ricchezze. Milano, tip. della Societa editrice libraria. 168 pp. Svo,

Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Siudien, 33. StUck . St,, J. G. Cotta. 240 pp. Svo, M, 5.

Petty, Sir William. Economic writings, with the observations upon bills of mortality .... ed. by C. H. Hill. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 2 v. Svo. $6, (University Press ser.)

Sammlung nationalokonomischer u. statistischer Abhandlungen des staatswis. Seminars zu Halle a. d. S., hrsg. v. Joh. Conrad. 24. Bd. Svo. Jena, G. Fischer. 24. Bd. : Mayne, Reg. Der Discount. 132 pp, M. 3.50.