Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/586

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Encyclopaedia Biblica: critical dictionary of liter- ary, political & religious history, archaeology, geography & natural history of the Bible. Ed. byT. K. Cheyne& J. S. Black. V. i. A-D. L.. A. & C. Black. 600 pp. 4to. 20s.

Fairar, F. W. Texts explained; or, helps to understand the New Testament. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 372 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Farrar, F. VV. True religion: sermons. L., Free- mantle. 220 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Flamcrion. De la prospcritc comparee des nations catholiques ct des nations protestantes, au point de vue economique, moral, social. P.. libr, Bloud & Barral, 1899. 70 pp. i6mo, f . 0.60.

Fowler, W. W. Roman festivals of the period of the republic: an intro. to the study of the re- ligion of the Romans. N. Y,. Macmillan Co. 373 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Gasquet, E. A. Eve of the Reformation; studies in religious life & thought of the English people in the period preceding the rejection of Roman jurisdiction by Henry VHI. L., J. C. Nimmo, 462 pp. 8vo, 12s. 6d.

Gilbert, G. H. Revelation of Jesus: study of the primary sources of Christianity. L., Mac- millan Co. 8vo. 5s.

Hyde, W. D. God's education of man. Bo.. Houghton, MifRin & Co. 252 pp. i6mo. $1.25.

Ingram, S. \V. Our empty churches: cause & remedy. L., Houlston & Sons. lamo. 2s. 6d.

Kidd, B. }. Thirty-nine articles: history & ex- planation. V. I, art. 1-8. L., Rivingtons.

296 pp. I2mO. 2S.

Reed, J.,\Varren,J.E., Ager, J. C.,& others. The Bible : is it the word of God ? Bennett lectures for 1898. Bo., New Church Union, 1899. 126 pp. i2mo. $0.75.

Rishell, C. W, Foundations of the Christian faith. N. Y. 8vo. 16s.

Sander, F. K.. & Kent, C. F. Messages of the later prophets: arranged in the order of time, analyzed & freely rendered in paraphrase. N. Y.jChas. Scribner'sSons. 382pp. :6mo. $1.25.

Sense, P. C. Free enquiry into the origin of the fourth gospel. L., Williams & Norgate. 464 pp. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Sinker, R. Higher criticism: what is it; where does it lead us? L., James Nisbet & Co. 194 pp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Stalker, J. Christology of Jesus: his teaching concerning himself, according to the synoptic gospels. L., Hodder & Stoughton. 312 pp, 8vo. 6s.

Starbuck. Psychology of religion, with an intro duction by W. James. N, Y., imp. by Chas, Scribner's Sons. 3vo. $1.50. (Contempo rary science ser.)

Walcker. Karl. Oesterreichs evangelische Be wegung u. sein Staatsinteresse. Gottingen, F, AVunder. 50 pp. 8vo. M. 0.60.

Walsh, W. Secret history of the Oxford move ment. New pref. containing reply to critics. Popular ed. L., Swan Sonnenschein. 358 pp. 8vo. IS. 6d.

[Wellhausen, J. Die Composition des Hexateuchs u. der historischen Biicher des Alten Testa- ments. 3. Aufl. B., G. Reimer. 373 pp. 8vo, M. 10.]

Willett, H. L., & Campbell, J. M. Teachmgs of the books; or, the literary structure & spiritual interpretation of the books of the New Testa- ment. N. Y. & C, F. H. Revell. 337 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Williamson, W. The great law; study of religious origins & of the unity underlying them. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 452 pp. 8vo. 14s.

16. Sanitary & Domestic Science.

Fletcher, B. F., & H. Phillips. Architectural hygiene, or sanitary science as applied to buildings : text-book for architects .... medical officers .... & students. L., Four- drinier. 276 pp. 8vo. 5s. (Builder stu- dents' ser.)

Krieger, Dr. Werth der Ventilation (Gutachten des Strassburger Gesundheitsrathes). Strass- burg, L. Beust. 114 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

Lush. E. R. Lessons in domestic science. Pt. 3. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 85 pp. T6mo. $0.20.

Migula, W. System der Bakterien. Handbuch der Morphologie, Entwickelungsgeschichle u. Systematik der Bakterien. 2. Bd. 1068 pp. 8vo. M. 30.

17. Socialism.

Almanach do la question sociale pour 1900. (loc

antiee.) P., 5 bvd. Saint-Michel. 80 pp. 8vo.

f. 0.50. Biedermann, Karl, Vorlesungen iiber Socialismus

u. Socialpolitik. Breslau, Schles. Buchdrucke-

rei. 205 pp. 8vo. M. 3. Bdttger, Hugo. Sozialdemokratie auf dem Lande.

Em Bcitrag zur deutschen Agrarpolitik. Lp..

E. Diedrichs. 155 pp. 8vo. M. 2. [Chiappelli, Aless. 11 socialismo e il pensiero

moderno: saggi. Ed. 2 emend, ed accres.

Firenze, succ. Le Monnier. 435 pp. i6mo,

L.4.] Kautsky, Karl. Bernstein u. das sozialdemokra-

tische Programni. Eine AntikritJk. Stuttgart,

J. H. W. Dietz. 195 pp. 8vo. M. 2. Knortz, Karl. Brook Farm und Margaret Fuller:

ein nordamerikanisches Kulturbild. 2. Aufl.

Hamburg, G. A. Rudolph. 28 pp. 8vo. Lasalle, Ferd. Gesamtwerke. Hrsg. v, Erich

Blum. 3 Bde. Politische Reden u. Schriften

3. Bd. Lp., K. F. Pfau. 461 pp. 8vo. M.

0.50. Montalto, Giac. La questione sociale e il partito

socialista. Milano, Societa editrice lombarda.

86 pp. i6mo. L. 1. Saccheti. Gius. Movimento cattolico e democrazia

cristiana vera e falsa: discorsi tre. Firenze,

tip. s. gia A. Ciardi. 59 pp. Svo. Schenderlein, Herm. Enihiilliingen uber die

finstern Machte der socialdemokratischen

Fijhrer. Stammhammer, Jas. Bibliograpliie des Socialis- mus u. Communismus. 2. Bd. Nachirage u.

Ergiinzgn, bis Ende des J. 1898. Jena, G.

Fischer. 403 pp. 8vo. M. 13. Vail, C. H. Principles of scientific socialism. N.

v.. Commonwealth Co. 257 pp. i2mo. $1.

(Commonwealth libr.) Veggian, Tiziano. II movimento sociale cristiano

nella seconda meta di questo secolo: cenni

storici. Vicenza, tip. R. Guiseppe. 632 pp,

Svo. L. 3.50. Woltmann, Ludw. Historische Materialismus,

Darsiellung u. Kritik der Marxistischen Welt- anschauung. Diisseldorf, H. Michel's Verl.

430 pp. 8vo. M. 4.50. Ziegler, Th. Individualismus u. Sozialismus im

Geistesleben des Jahrh. Dresden, Zahn &

Jaensch. M. i.

18. Sociology.

Bertheau, C. L'egalite. P., libr. Pedone. 284 pp. i8mo. f. 3.50.

[Blackmar, F, W. Story of human progress. [Re- issue.] Topeka, Kan., Crane & Co, 375 pp. i2mo. $1.]

Bougie, C. Quid e Cournoti disciplina ad scien- lias sociologicas promovendas sumere liceat (these). Chartres, impr. Durand. 98 pp. 8vo.