Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/728

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Hart, A. B. SaJmon Portland Chase. Bo., Houehton, Mifflin & Co.. 1899. 465 pp. 8vo. $1.25. (American statesmen ser.) $1.25.

Lamprecht. Karl. Die kultnrhistorische Methode. B., R. Gaertner, 1899. 45 pp. 8vo. M. i.

Lloyd, A, H. Philosophy of history: an intro- duction to the philosophical study of politics. Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Walir, 1899. 250 pp. lamo. $1.

Mahan, A. T. Lessons of the war with Spain & other articles. Bo., Little, Brown & Co., rSgg. 320 pp. i2mo. $2.

Morris, Charles. The greater republic: a history of the United States from the earliest days to the present time. N. Y., Western W. Wilson, 1899. 700 pp. 8vo. subs. $2.75.

Nemo (pseud.). Making of Europe: a simple account of the origin & formations of the principal countries & states of modern Europe. L., Thomas Nelson & Sons. 312 pp. 8vo. 3S. 6d.

Rappaport, Rruno. Die Einfalle der Goten in das roniische Keich bis auf Constantin. Lp., C. L. Kirschfeld, 1899. 138 pp. 8vo. M. 4.40-

Rousiers, Paul de. La vie americnine; education et societe. P., Didot & Cie. 340 pp. i8mo.

[Schouler. James. History of the United States from the adoption of the constitution to the closeof theCtvil War. Rev. ed. N. Y.,Dodd, Mead & Co., 1899. 6 v. 8vo. $13.50.]

Smith, Goldwin. The United Kingdom: apoliti- cal history. N. Y.. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. 2 V. 8vo. $6.

Sparks, E. E. Topical reference lists in American history, with introductory lists in English constitutional history. Ed. 2. Columbus, O.. A. H. Smythe, [^899]. 96pp. lamo. $1.

Worsfold. W. B. Redemption of Egypt. N. Y., Longmans Green & Co., 1899. 353 pp. il. 8vo. $7.50.

II. International Law.

Great Britain — Parliament Treaty series. No. ig, 1899. Exchange of notes between the United Kingdom & the United States of America pro- viding for provisional boundary between the Dominion of Canada & Territory of Alaska. . . . L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. 8vo. J^d.

Siebold, A. Frhr. v. Eintritt Japans in das euro- paische Volkerrecht. B. (Lp..Woer!'s Reise- bUcher Vcrl), 1899. 49 pp. 8vo. M.1.20.

Szende, Jul. Handbuch f. Diplomaten 1899. Wicn. A. Holder, 1899. 266 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

12. Labor.

AUgemeiner Verband der auf Selbsthille beruhcn-

den deutschen Er\verbs- u. Wirthschaftsgenos-

senschaften f. 1898. Jahrbuch. H. Jahrg.

Hrsg. V. Hans Criiger. B.,J. Guttentag, 1899.

285 pp. 4to. ^L 10. Bowley, A. L. Wages in the United Kingdom in

the rgth century: notes for students of social &

economic questions. L., C. J. Clay. 156 pp.

8vo. 6s. Burke, W. M. Hist. & functions of central labor

unions. N. Y,, Macmillan Co. (for Columbia

Univ.). T25 pp. 8vo. $1. (Studies in hist.,

econ. & pub. law, v. 12, no. i.) Great Britain — Labor Depr^rtment. First annual

abstract of foreign labour statistics. L., Eyre &

Spottiswoode, 1899. 8vo. 8d. Kulemann, W. Die Gewerkschaftsbewegung.

Darstellung der gewerkschaftl. Organisation

aer Arbeiter u. der Arbeitsgeber aller Lander.

Jena, G. Fischer, i8gg, 730 pp. 8vo. M. 10. Schanz, O. Das Recht der Erfindungen u. der

Muster. Lp., Rossherg, 1899. M. 13.

Simonetti, A, D. Per em inchesta industriale in

Italia, RISS., N. Tarozzi, Giov. I problemi del lavoro e del pro-

letariato e la tegislazione sociale: studi sulla

evoluzione del dritto pubblico e privato e la

questione sociale nella fine del secolo ig.

Taranto, tip. dei fratelli Martucci, iSgg. 1040

pp. 8vo. L. 10. Vallier, J. Travail des femmes dans Tindustrie

francaise (these). Grenoble, Allier freres.

190 pp. 8vo. Zacher, Dr. Arbeiter-Versjcherung im Auslande.

10 Hft. B,, Verlag der Arbeiter-Ver?otgg.,

1899. 10. Arbeiter-Versicherung in Finland.

59 pp. 8vo. M. 1.60.

13. Political Economy.

Liberatore, M . Principes d'economie politique. Tr. de I'ltalien . . . 2e edition, revue, corrig^e. . . . Poitiers, H. Oudin, i8gg, [igoo].

Ricca-Salermo, Gius. La teoria del salario nella storia delle dottiine e dei fatii economicl. Palermo, Alberto Reber edit., [1899 1, 1900.

Riekes, Hugo. Wert u. Tauschwcrt. Zur Kritik der Marxischen Wcrtlehre. B., L. Simon, 1899. 69 pp. 8vo. M. 1.20.

Rosset, J. Credit agricole au moyen des surctes reelles mobllieres (etude d'economie politique, thcsel. Grenoble, Allier freres, 1899.

Thurston, H. W. Economics & industrial history for secondary schools. C, Scott, Foresman & Co. 300 pp. i2ma. $1.

Thurston, H. W. Teacher's manual : economics & industrial history for secondary schools, C, Scott, Foresman & Co. 25 pp. i2mo.

Walker, T. F. History of the law of nations. V. i. From the earliest times to the Peace of West- phalia, 1643. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 8vo. $3.

14. Political Science.

Almanach de Gotha, annuaire genealogique, diplo- matique et statistique. igoo. i37"ie annee. Gotha, J. Perthes, iSgg. 1214 pp. i6mo. M.8.

Almanach de la paix pour igoo. publiee par Tasso- ciation de la paix par le droit. Preface par G. Tarde. P., Plon, Nourrit & Cie. 78 pp. i6mo.

Almanach national, annuaire officiel de la Repu- blique frangaise pour 1899. (201^ annee.) P., Berger-Levrault & Cie. ^59 pp. 8vo.

Arbib, Ed. Cinquant' anni di storia parlamentare

nel regno d Italia. V. i 1848-1853.

Roma, tip. della Camera dei Deputaii di Ripa - monti e Columbo, i8g8. 771 pp. 8vo. L. 10.

Bascom, John. Growth of nationality In the Unit- ed States: a social study. N. Y.,G. P. Put- nam's Sons. 213 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Bloch, J. S. Modern weapons & modern war: an abridgement of "War of the future" .... tr. from the Russian. L., Grant Richards. 460 pp. 8vo. 6s.

Block, Maurice. Dictlonnaire de radministration francaise .... 211= supplement de la 4"^e edi- tion. Pp. 69-100. P., libr. Berger-Levrault & Cie, 1899. 8vo.

Brown, W. J. The new democracy: a political study. N. Y., Macmillan Co.. 1899. 215 pp. 8vo. $2.

Bufnoir, C. Propri^t^ et contrats: theorie des modes d'acquisition, des droits reels et les sources des obligations. P. , A. Rousseau, i8gg. 845 pp. 8vo. f. 12.

Gumming, R. C., & others. Annotated corporation laws of ail the states, cont. all the legislation of i8g9 generally applicable to stock corporations, trusts & combinations, receivers, taxation,

labor & crimes by corporations V. 4.

Albany. J. B. Lyon Co., i8gg. 8vo. $6.