Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/736

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Places of Publication: 6., Berlin; Bo. » Boston; C, Chicago; Cin., Cincinnati ; F., Frankfurt a. M.; Fr., Freiburg i. B. ; L., London; Lp., Leipzig ; M., Milan; N. Y., New York ; P., Paris; Ph.,

Philadelphia; S., Strassburg; St., Stuttgart; T., Turin; W., Washington. Prices: d., pence; f., franc; L., lira; M.,mark ; s., shilling. Months: Ja. F. Mr. Ap, My. Je. Jl. Ag. S. O. N. D. Periodicals :

A. Arena, JHS.







American Anthropologist. Archives d'anthropologie criminelle. Archive per Tantropologia e la etnologia. American Antiquarian. Annals of the American Academy of Polit- ical and Social Science.

AC. L' Association catholique.

ACQ. American Catholic Quarterly Review.

AGP. Archiv fiir Geschichie der Philosophic.

AHR. American Historical Review.

AIS. Annales de I'lnstitut de sciences sociales.

American Journal of Psychology.

American Journal of Sociology.

American Joumal of Theology.

ALR. American Law Register.

ALRv. American Law Review.

AMP. Academic des sciences morales et poli- tiques, Seances.

AOR. Archiv lur dffentliches Recht.

ASA. American Statistical Association, Publica- tions.

ASAr. Allgemeine statistisches Archiv.

ASG. Archive fiir sociale Geseizgebung und Statistik.

ASP. Annales des sciences politiques.

ASPh. Archiv fiir systematische Philosophic.

BDL. Bulletin of the Department of Labor.

BG. Blatter fiir Gefangnisskunde.

BML. Banker's Magazine, London.

BMN. Banker's Magazine, New York.

BUT. Bulletin de I'Officc du Travail.

BS. Bibliotheca Sacra.

BSt. Bulletin de statistique et de legislation compar^e.

BUI. Bulletin de I'Union intemationale de droit penale.

C. Cosmopolis.

ChOR. Charity Organisation Review.

ChR. Charities Review.

CoR. Contemporary Review.

DL. Deutsche Litteraturzeitung.

DR. Deutsche Revue.

DRu. Deutsche Rundschau.

DZG. Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissen- schaft.

EcT. Economic Joumal.

EcR. Economic Review.

EdR. Educational Review.

EHR. English Historical Review.

EM. Engineering Magazine.

F. Forum.

FR. Fortnightly Review.

GEc, Giom^e degli economisti.

GM. Gunton's Magazine.

HLR. Harvard Law Review.

HN. Humanite nouvelle.

HR. Hygienische Rundschau.

HZ. Historischc Zeitschrift.

lAE. Internationales Archiv fiir Ethnographic.

IJE. International Joumal of Ethics.

JAI. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

JCB. Joumal of the Canadian Bankers' Asso- ciation.

JEc. Journal des economistes.

JFI. Joumal of the Franklin Institute,

JGV. Jahrbuch fiir Geseizgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirthschaft.


Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science.

Joumal of Political Economy.

Jahrbiicher fiir National -Oekonomie und Statistik.

{oumal of the Royal Statistical Society. .iterarisches Centralblatt. Labour Gazette. London Quarterly Review, Law Quarterly Review. Mans^eld House Magazine. Monatsschrift fiir innere Mission. Municipal Affairs. Nuova antologia. North American Review. Nineteenth Century. Natural Science. New World. Neue Zeit.

Philosophical Review. Popular Science Monthly. Political Science Quarterly. Psychological Review. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Quarterly Review. Rivista benificzcnza publica. Revue de christianisme sociale. Rivista di discipline carcerarie. Revue de droit mternationale. Revue des deux mondes. Revue mensuelle de I'Ecole d'anthropo- logie de Paris. Reforme sociale. Revue socialiste. Revue historitjue. Revue d'histoire diplomatique. Rivista italiana di filosofia. Revue intemationale de socioiogie. Rivista italiana di sociologia. Rivista intemazionale di scienze sociali. Revue metaphysique et de morale. Revue philanthropique. Revue penitentiairc. Revue philosophique. Revue politique et parlemeotaire. Review of Reviews, London. Review of Reviews, New York. Revue sociale catholique. Revisita storica italiana. Revue du travail. Sanitarian. School Review. Science sociale. Vierteljahrschrift fiir wissenschaftliche

Philosophic. Yale Review. Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Staatswissen -

schaften. Zeitschrift fiir Philosophic und philo-

sophischc Kritik. Zeitschrift fiir das Prlvat- und offentliche

Rccht. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic und Physiologic

der Sinnesorgane. Zeitschrift fiir Soclalwissenschaft. Zeitschrift fiir vergleichcnde Rechtswisscn-

schaft. Zeitschrift fiir Volkswirthschaft, Social-

politik und Verwaltung.

[The titles of articles selected from periodicals not in this list will be (ollowed by name of periodica! in full.]