Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/870

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May — for March-AprM.



Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A i/nr/rf/iVfrf to a title indicates that it was taken from a review ol the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new arinounce ment The aritlimrtica: signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X uncertain ■ + favorable ; -, unfavorable; +-, favorable, but with reservations ; -+, unfavorable but with commendation ; + + , very favorable ; -- very unfavorable ; + + -, very favorable, but with

reservations; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates mat

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. Neiv editions, translations, and new periodicals are bracketed.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.


1. Anthropology, Ethnology.

Bastian, Adolf. Mikronesischen Colonien aus

ethnologischen Gesichtspunkien. Etgiinzung

I. B., A. A5her& Co. its pp. 8vo. M. 5.

Folkmar, Daniel. L'anthropologie philosophique

consideree comme base de la morale (thes.;>.

P., Schleicher frirres. 170 pp. 8vo. Topinard, P. Science et foi. L'anthropologieet la

science soclale. P., libr. Masson. S78 pp. 8vu

2, Biology, Evolution, Science.

[Haeckel. Ernest. Etat actuel de nos connais- sances sur rorig;ine de I'homme. Memoire prcsi^nte au 46 coiigr(.-s international de zoolo- gie ;i Cambridge . . 1898 . . . Traduit sur la 7e ed. allemande ... P., Schleicher freres. 62 pp. 8vo.]

Morns, Charles. Man & his ancestor: a study in evolution. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 238 pp. i6nio. $1.25.

Pearson. Karl. Grammar of science. Ed. 2, enl. & rev. N. Y., Macmillan Co., tqoo.

Rauber, .\. Der Ueberscliuss an Knabengcburten u. seine biologische Bedeutuug. Lp.,A. Gcorgi. 220 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

[Spencer, Herbert. Principles of biology. Re- vised & enlarged edition. N. Y., D. Apple- ton & Co. 2 v. V. 2. $2.]

Thomson, J. A. Science of life : an outline of the history of biology & its recent advances. C, H. S. Stone & Co. 246 pp. izmo. (Victorian era set.)

3. Charities.

Annuaire dela Sociele philanthropique pour 1899- igoo. Rapports el Comptes rendus pour I'ex- ercice 1898-9. P., 21 rue des Bona-Enfants. 248 pp. 8vo.

Bonnefoy. G. De la surdi-mutite au point de vue civil & criniinel. en droit frani;ais et en droit compare (these). P., libr, Larose. 414 pp. 8vo.

Caudeville, E. J. La creche commiinale Marie- Ciilestine. Boulogne-sur-Mer, impr. 20 pp. Svo.


Chanteau. Fernand. plaies sociales. Vaga- bondage et mendicite. P., libr. Pedone. 216 pp. iSmo. f. 3-50.

Ergebnisse der Sommerpflege in Deutschland (Freienkolonie,, Kinderheilstiitten u. s, w.) i8q8, Bericht der Centralstellc der Vereiniggn, f. Sommerpflege in D. B., W. Steinmetzstr. t6. 63 pp. Svo. M. 1.50.

Inama.Sternegg. K. T. Die personlichen Ver- halrnisse der Wiener Armen . , . nach den Materialen des Vereines gegen Vcrarmg. u. Bettelei. 2 Kearbeitg Wien, M. Perles in Komm. 22 pp. Svo. M. 0.80.

Riis, J. A. Ten years' war: an account of the bat- tle with the slum in New York. iio.. Hough- ton, MifBin & Co. 267 pp. i2mo.

Schrifien des Deulschen Vereins f. ArmcnpHege u. Wohlthiitigkeit. 46. Hft. Lp.. Uuncker & Humblot. 148 pp. Svo. M. 3.40. 46. Steno- graphischer Bericht Uber die Verhandlungcn der 19. Jahresversammlung.

4. Cities. [Bechraann, G. Salubrite urbaine. Distributions

d'eau et assainlssement. 2e edition. T. 2.

P., libr. Berangcr. 665 pp. 8vo.] Beyer, Carl. Geschichte der btadt Erfurt v. d. al-

testen bis auf dleneueste Zeit. (Inca 12 Lfg.)

1. Lfg. Erfurt, Keyset, pp. 1-32 M.o.So, Chalmers, T. Christian & civic economy of large

towns ; abridged with an introduction by C. R.

Henderson. N. Y., Clias. Scribner's Sons.

350 pp. i2mo. $1.25. Coler, B. S. Municipal government as illustrated

by the charter, finances & public chanties of

New York. N. Y,, D. Appleton & Co. 200

pp. Svo. $1. Gusman. Pierre Pompei : la ville, les moeurs,

les arts. P., libr. Henry May. 481 PP- 4to. Haucourt, L. d' L'hotel de ville de Paris a travers

les si<;cles. P., libr. Giard & Briere. 806

pp. Svo. f. 25. ,

Liebenam, W. Stiidtcverwaltuna im romisclien

Kaiserreiche. Lp., DiinckerS Humblot. 577

pp. Svo. M. 14. , ,„ , .

Mackall, Sally S. Early days of Washington,

Wash., The Neale Co. 328 pp. Svo.