Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/148

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July for May-June.



Explanation. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others. New editions, translations, and new periodicals are bracketed.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.


1. Anthropology, Ethnology. Grinnell, G. B. Indians of to-day. C., H. S. Stone

& Co. 185 pp. pors. F. $5. Meunier, V. Ancetres d'Adam. Histoire de 1'homme fossile. P., libr. Fischbacher. 314 pp. i8mo.

2. Biology, Evolution, Science. Cunningham, J. T. Sexual dimorphism in the

animal kingdom: theory of evolution of sec- ondary sexual characters. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 330 pp. 8vo. $4.50.

Eckstein, K. Kampf zwischen Mensch. u. Tier. Lp., B. G. Teubner. M. 0.90.

Haacke, W., u. W. Kuhnert. Thierleben der Erde. 40 Lfgn. B., M. Oldenbourg. a M. i.

Jevons, F. B. Evolution. L., Methuen & Co. 304 pp. 8vo. 35. 6d.

Laber, C. W. Suggestion ; the secret of sex. C., C. H. Kerr & Co. 96 pp. lamo. $i.

Lockyer, N. Inorganic evolution as studied by spectrum analysis. L., Macmillan Co. 208 pp. 8vo. 45.

McKim. Heredity & human progress. (See 17.)

Michelitsch, A. Haeckelismus u. Darwinismus. Eine Antwort auf Haeckels " Weltrathsel." Graz, Styria. M. 2.

Morris, C. Man & his ancestor: a study in evo- lution. L., Macmillan & Co. 8vo. 55.

3. Charities. Annual charities register & digest. L., Longmans,

Green & Co. 8vo. 45.

Gt. Br. House of Commons. Report of depart- mental committee on the financial aspects of

proposals made by a select committee on aged

and deserving poor. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode.

is. 3d.

4. Cities. Corporations & public welfare : papers presented at

the meeting of the Amer. Acad. of Pol. & Soc.

Science, 1900. $1.50. (Supplement to "The

Annals," May IQOO). Davidsohn, Rob. Forschungen zur Geschichte v.

Florenz. 2. Thl. Aus den Stadtbiichern u.

Urkunden v. San Gimignano ( 13. u. 14. Jahrh) .

B., E. S. Mittler&Sohn. 352 pp. 8vo. M.o. Hoskin, A. A. City problem. N. Y., J. B. Alden.

153 pp. i2mo. $0.50. Smith, O. J. Way to abolish bosses & bossism ;

to break up political machines & to establish

efficient & honest government in our cities. N.

Y., The Brandur Co. 27 pp. i6mo. $0.05.

(Extract from author's "Coming democracy. ) Strassenordnung f. den Stadtkreis Berlin. B., A.

W. Hahn's Erben. 36 pp. &vo. M. 0.30.

5. Criminology & Penology. Berndt, G. H. Krankheit od. Verbrechen. Eine gemeinverstandl. Darstellg. des Geschlechts-

lebens, des Mordes, der Korperletzgn., der Un- fallskrankgn., Geisteskrankheiten, des Hyp- notismus etc. in ihren Beziehgn. zum Gesetr u. zur 6'ffent!. Moral .... I5.-2O. (Schluss-) Lfg. Lp., G. Wiest. 2. Bd. pp. 257-640. a M. 0.15.

Hamon, L. Police et criminalite. Impressions d'un vieux policier. P., libr. Flammarion. 456 pp. i8mo. f. 3.50.

McCurry,J. A. Fakes, grafts & swindles exposed. Maberly. Mo., Magic City Book & Novelty Co. 200 pp. il. 8vo. $0.75.

Prussia Koniel. preussischen Ministeriums des Innern gehorenden Strafanstalten u. Gefang- nisse. 1898-99. B., R. v. Decker. 237 pp. 8vo. M. 8.

6. Education.

Fesch, P. Faillite de 1'enseignement gouvern- mental. T. i. P.', libr. Briguet. 356 pp. i8mo.

Fitch. Sir J. G. Lectures on teaching. New ed. N. Y., E. L. Kellogg & Co. 462 pp. por.


seine Bekenntnisse. Neuwied, Heuser's Verl. 92pp. 8vo. M.I.2O. (PadagogischenKlassiker.)

[Ham, C. H. Mind & hand: manual training the chief factor in education ; being the 3d ed. of Manual training the solution of social & indus- trial problems. N. Y., Amer. Bk. Co. 464 pp. il. I2mo. $1.25.]

Snider, D.J. Psychology of Froebel's play-gifts. St. Louis. Mo., Sigma Pub. Co. 384 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Winship, A. E. Great American educators, with chapters on American education. N. Y. & C., Werner Book Co. 252 pp. I2mo. $0.50.

7. Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology. Bergmann, J. Untersuchungen lib. Hauptpunkte

der Philosophic. Marburg, N. G. Elwert's

Verl. 483 pp. 8vo. M. 8. [Flammarion, C. The unknown (L'inconnu). N.

Y., Harper & Bros. 488 pp. 8vo. $2.] Halphide, A. C. Mind & body: hypnotism &

suggestion applied to therapeutics & education.

Ed. 2. C., the author. 231 pp., il. i2mo. $i. [Ho'ffding, H. Esquisse d'une psychologic fondee

sur 1 experience. Ed. franchise, redigee avec

1'autorisation de 1'auteur, conformement a la

46 edition danoise. P., F. Alcan. 488 pp. 8vo.

f. 7.50.] Thilly, F. Introduction to ethics. N. Y., Chas.

Scribner's Sons. 346 pp. I2mo. $1.25. Unruh, E. v. Gliick u. wie man dazu gelangt.

Lp., H. Haacke. 78 pp. 8vo. M. 1.50. [Windelband, W. History of ancient philosophy.

Authorized tr., by H. E. Cushman, from 2d

German ed. L., Sampson Law, Marston &

Co. 8vo. IDS. 6d.]