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N. Y., Dec. 27-29, 1899. N. Y., Macmillan Co. (for the assoc. i. 288 pp. 8vo. (Publica- tions of the soc. V. i, no. i.)

Biblioteca di storia economica. diretta dal prof. Vilfredo Pareto. Fasc. n. Bockh, A. L'eco- nomia pubblica degii ateniesi (fasc. n). pp. 417-464 L. i il fasc.

Ely, R. T. Decade of economic theory. Ph., Amer. Acad. of Polit. & Soc. Science. 112 pp. 8vo. ( Publications of the society, no. 272. ) $0.25.

Hobson. J. A. Economics of distribution. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 361 pp. i2mo. $i- 2 S- (Citi- zens' library of economics, politics & sociol- ogy, no. 2.)

Kostanecki, A. v. Wirthschaftlicher Werth vom Standpunkte der geschichtlichen Forschungn. Versuche. Morphologic der wirtschftl. Werthes. B., Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht. 213 pp. 8vo. M. 4.

Mayr, G. v. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iib. prak- tische Nationalokonomie. i. Hft. Tubingen, J. C. B. Mohr. M. 2.

Mayr, G. v. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iib. prak- tische Nationalokonomie. i. Hft. Tubingen, H. Laupp. M. 2.

Schmpller, G. Grundriss der allgemeinen Volks- wirthschaftslehre. i. Tl. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. M. 10.

13. Political Science.

Bougie, C. Pour la democratic franchise. Con- ferences populaires. P., libr. Comely. 166 ?p. i6mo. es, T. G. Declaration of Paris of 1856, being an account of the maritime rights of Great Britain, a consideration of their importance, a history of their surrender . . . and an argu- ment for their resumption. L., Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 260 pp. 8vp. IDS. 6d.

Brochet, R. De la representation des minorites dans les elections legislatives (these). P., libr. Rousseau. 263 pp. 8vo.

Biilow, H. v. Deutschlands Kolonien u. Kolonial- kriege. Dresden, E. Pierson's Verl. M. 5.

Butterworth, A. R. Australian federation & the privy council. L., Sweet & Maxwell. 8vo. is.

Duguet, R. Du vote plural. P., Noblet & fils. 117 pp. 8vo.

Eberstadt, R. Ursprung des Zunftwesen. (see n.)

Fisher, H. N. Principles of colonial government adapted to the present needs of Cuba, Porto Rico & the Philippines. Bo., L. C. Page & Co. 56 pp. 8yp. $0.20.

Ford, H. J. Political evolution & civil service reform. P., Amer. Acad. of Polit. & Soc. Sci- ence. 15 pp. 8vo. $0.15. (Publications of the society, no. 269.)

France Chambre des deputes. Annales. Debats parlemi:ntaires, session extraordinaire de 1899. Tome unique. Du 14 novembre au 23 decem- bre 1899. Ph., Impr. des journaux officiels. 704pp. 410.

France Chambre des deputes. Documents parle- mentaires. T. 56. Session ordinaire de 1899. pe pt. 29 mars au 4 juillet 1809. P., Tmpr. journanx officiels. pp. 1505 a 2736. 410.

Frey, E. Neutralitat der Schweiz. Rede. Win- terthur, Geschw. Ziegler. 35 pp. Svo. M. 0.60.

Goodnow, F. J. Politics & administration. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 270 pp. 121110. $1.50.

Jenks, E. History of politics. N. Y.. Macmillan Co. 140 pp. i6mo. $0.40. (Temple cyclo- pedic primers.)

Kaye, P. L. Colonial executive prior to the restoration. Balto., Md., Johns Hopkins Press. 84 pp. Svo. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical & political science, ser. 18, nos. 5-6.) $0.50.

Kelly, E. Government or human evolution: jus- tice. L., Longmans, Green & Co. Svo. 75. 6d.

Keltic, J. S. Statesman's year-book : statistical & historical annual of the states of the world, 1900. N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 1316 pp. $3.

Krauel, R. Deutsche Interessen in Brasilien. Vor- trag. Hamburg, L. Friedrichsen & Co. 30 pp. Svo. M. i.

[Landon, J. S. Constitutional history & govt. of the U. S. Revised ed. Bo.. Houghton, Mii- flin & Co. 326 pp. i2mo. $1.50.]

Latane, J. H. Diplomatic relations of the U. S. & Spanish-America. Balto., Johns Hopkins Press. 294 pp. Svo. $1.50. (Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic history, 1899.)

Lowell, H. L. Colonial civil service: the selection & training of colonial officials in England, Holland & France, with an account of the East India College at Haileybury (1806-57), by H. Morse Stephens. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 346 pp. I2mo. $1.50.

Milesi, G. B. Riforma positiva del governo par- lamentare. Roma, Ermanno loescher & C. 529 pp. Svo. L. 8.

Naumann, F. Demokratie u. Kaisertum. Ein Handbuch f. innere Politik. Berlin- Scheme - berg, Buch-Verlag der " Hilfe." 231 pp. Svo. M. 2.

Naumann, F. Demokratie u. Kaisertum. Hand- buch f. innere Politik. Berlin -Schoneberg, Verlag der Hilfe. M. 2.

Page, T. W. End of villainage in England. N. Y., Macmillan Co. (for Amer. econ. assoc.) 99 pp. Svo. $i. (Publications of the assoc.)

Schmoller, G., M. Sering & A. Wagner. Handels- u. Machtpolitik, Reden u. Aufsiitze. i. Bd. St., J. G. Cotta Nachf. M. 1.02.

Smith, O. J. Coining democracy. N. Y., The Brandur Co. 162 pp. 12010. $i.

14. Religion, Churches.

Abbott, L. Problems of life: selections from the writings of Lyman Abbott : selected by Sarah T. Dickinson ; introd. by W. Gladden. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 307 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Anet, H. Christianisme et evolution sociale (see 17).

Animismus, od. Ursprung u. Entwicklg. der Reli-

fion aus dem Seelen-, Ahnen- u. Geisterkult. 'r., Geschaftsstelle des Charitasverbandes f. das kath. Deutschland. M. 2.80.

Budde, Karl. Kanon des Alten Testaments. Ein Abriss. Giessen, J. Ricker. 80 pp. Svo. M. 1.40.

[Bugge, C. A. Christentum als Religion des Fortschritts. Zwei Abhandlgn. : k ' Sociale Pro- gramm des Apostels Paulus," " Inspiration der hi. Schrift." AusdemNorweg. v. O. v.Harling. Giessen, J. Ricker. 67 pp. Svo. M.I-4O.]

Chauvin, C. La bible depuis ses origines jusqu'& nos jours. 2. La bible dans 1'Eglise catho- lique. P., Bloud & Barral. f. 0.60.

Dole, C. F. Theology of civilisation. L., H. R. Allenson. 288 pp. I2mo. 53.

Donehoo, J. R. New Testament view of the Old Testament : an essay ; with an introd. by W. H. Green. Ph.. Westminster Press, 1900. 130 pp. I2mo. $0.75.

Doreau, P. Clerge franc.ais et son influence sur le peuple. Chalon-sur-Saone, impr. Lemoine. 244 pp. i6mo. f. 3.

Driscpll, J. T. Christian philosophy: God; a con- tribution to a philosophy of theism. N. Y., Benziger Bros. 342pp. 12010. $1.25.

Flugel, O. Zur Philosophic des Christenthums. Abhandlunsjen u. Betrachtgn. Langensalza, H. Beyer & Sohne. 126 pp. Svo. M. 1.80.

Forschungen zur Geschichte des neutestamentli- chen Kanons u. der altkirchlichen Literatur v. T. Zahn. VI. i. Apostel u. Apostelschiiler in der Prov. Asien. 2. Brlider u. Vettern Jesu. Lp., A. Deichert. 372 pp. Svo. M. 10.