Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/153

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[Articles preceded by stars and followed by a reference to a number of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OP SOCIOLOGY (A.S.J.) will be found in abstract under the head " Notes and Abstracts " in that number of the JOURNAL. Articles dealing with Associations, Biography, Cities, and Towns will be found grouped under those heads."]

Accidents : see Labor.

Africa: Mels, E. Trade possibilities in South

Africa, Cassier's magazine, Je. Agriculture : Pringsheim, O. Landwirthschaft- liche Manufactur u. elektrische Landwirth- schaft, ASG.. 15:3. Anarchism : Platt, W. Anarchisme a mon

point de vue. HN., A p.

Arbitration, Industrial: McPherson, J. B. Voluntary conciliation & arbitration in Great Britain, BDL., My.

Arbitration, International: Coggins, P. H. Delusion of compulsory arbitration, A., My. See Peace Movement. Archaeology: Super. C. T. Archeology of

ethical ideas, AA., My. Art : Margueritte, V. Art social, Revue des

revues, My. 15.

Association: Blonde!, G. Association dans la vie rurale en France et en Allemagne, RefS., Je. i.

Crisenoy, J. de. Projets de loi sur les associa- tions, RefS., Ap. Australia: Barton, E. Australian federation &

its basis, NAR., Je. Higgins, H. B. Australian federation act, CoR.,


Banking: Shortt, A. History of Canadian cur- rency, banking & exchange, JCB., Ap. Barter: Pantaleoni, M. Origine del baratto,

GEc., My.

Bible: Bremer, J. A. History of the New Tes- tament canon in the Syrian church, AJT., Ap. Rankin, J. E. Influence of the Bible upon

the human conscience, BS., Ap. Stimson, H. A. Bible in the conditions created

by modern scholarship, BS., Ap. Biography: Fnwkes, Mrs. A. Ruskin at

Farnley, N.C. , Ap.

Forsyth, P. T. Dr. Martineau, London quar- terly review, Ap.

Hamilton, A. Estimate of Burr, Century, Je. Horton, R. F. John Ruskin, London quar- terly review, Ap.

Kufferath, L. John Ruskin, ReS., Ap. Longfellow, W. P. John Ruskin, F., My. Marble, A. R. Ruskin's social reforms, A., My. Maude, A. Talks with Tolstoi, New century

Review, My.

Morris & Rossetti, Edinburgh review, Ap. Steffens, J. S. Governor Roosevelt as an

experiment, McClure's magazine, Je. Canals: Dilke, C. W. U. K., U. S. & the ship

canal, F.. Je. Capitalism: Hardie, K. Kapitalismus u. der

Krieg in Siidafrika, NZ., 18: 26. Charities : Bompard, R. Bureau de bienfaisance

central de Paris, RPP., My. Charity legislation of 1899-1900, ChR., Je. Devine, E. T. Relief & care of the poor in

their homes, ChR.. My.-Je. Gide, C. Charite, RCS., My. Miinsterberg, E. Bericht iiber die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der norwegischen Socialstatistik, JGV..2 4 : 2 . National conference of charities & corrections:

program of the Topeka meeting, ChR., My. Problems of the poor law, ChOR., Ap.-My. Saint -Genix, E. Monastic orders up to date,

CoR., Mr.-Ap.

Wilson, J. C. Poor law statistics, EcR., Ap. Chemistry: Clarke, F. W. Hundred years of chemistry, PSM., My.

Child-Study: Darwin, C. Biographical sketch

of an infant, PSM., Te.

Children: Folks, H. Care of destitute, neglected & delinquent children, ChR., My.

Retours, A. des. Placements d'enfants dans les orphelinats, ecoles professionnelles, maisons de preservation et de correction, RefS.j My. China : Reid, G. Powers & the partition of China, NAR., My.

Rockhill, W. W. U. S. & future of China, F.,


Chinese : Ho Yow. Attitude of the U. S. towards the Chinese, F., Je.

See Philippines.

Christianity : Inge, W. R. Permanent influence of Neoplatonism upon Christianity, AJT., Ap.

Iverach, J. Psychology & Christianity, London quarterly review, Ap.

Kuhn, F. Christianisme de Luther, Revue chretienne. My.

See Ethics, Missions. Churches : Fiske, D. T. The church, BS., Ap.

Holbrook, Z. S. William Frederick Poole & the New Englend clergy, BS., Ap.

Rogers, J. G. Churches & the war, CoR., My.

Stimson, H. A. Preeminent profession [minis- try] : a rejoinder, F., Je.

Cities: Agar, J. G. Shall American cities muni- cipalize? M.A., Mr.

Beal, B. L. Boston municipal subway, MA., Mr.

Coler, B. S. Charter needs of great cities, NAR., Je.

Coler, B. S. Most expensive city in the world, PSM., My.

Coler, B. S. Municipal ownership of docks in N. Y. city. MA., Mr.

Cutting, R. F. Public ownership & the social conscience, MA., Mr.

Donald, Robert. Street railways in British towns, MA., Mr.

Falkenburg & Van Zanten. Municipal tele- phones in Amsterdam, MA., Mr.

Goodnow, F. j. Political parties & city govt., International monthly, Je.

Kley, W. Ueber den stadtischen Liegenschafts- verkehr, ZS.. My.

Myers, G. History of public franchises in N. Y.

city, MA., Mr. Coal : Brough, B. H. Scarcity of coal, NC., Ap.

Rowe, L. S. Political consequences of city growth, YR., My.

Smith, E. B. Municipal voters' league of Chi- cago, Atlantic, Je.

Veber, A. Budget de Paris, ReS., Ap.

See Housing, Street Railways, Tenements,


Colonies : Collier, J. Colonies & the mother country, PSM., Je.

Day, C. Experience of the Dutch with tropical labor. II. Abolition of the culture system, YR., My.

Foster, C. Colonial civil service, Atlantic. My.

Jordan, D. S. Controlof the tropics, GM.,


Commerce : Ford, A. H. Russia's opening for Anglo-Saxon enterprise in Asia, EM., Je.

Mulhall, M. G. Imports & exports of 40 years,

CoR.. My.

Congress : Cockrell, E. Congress or parlia- ment, A.,Je.

Constitution : Denby, C. Constitution and the flag, F., My.