Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/157

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Calippe, C. Interpretes sociaux de 1'apotre

saint Paul, AC., Mr. Cilleuils, A. de. De 1'ntilite sociale des formes

de gouvernement, RefS., My. Claparcde, R. Demission de Herron et sa foi

sociale, RCS., My.

(Les) Centres sociaux a 1'exposition, RefS., My. Durkbeim, E. Sociologia ed il suo domino sci-

emifico, RilS., Ap. Fourniere, E. Economic politique et sciences

sociales, Revue des revues, Je. Lloyd, W. Mill's letters to Comte, Westminster,

Ap. Molteni, G. Metodo nelle scienze social!, RISS.,


Rappoport, C. Pierre Lavroff (La methode sub- jective en sociologie}, ReS., Ap. Richard, G. Droits de la critique en matiere

sociologique, RPh., My.

See, H. Idees politiques du due de Saint- Simon. RH., My.

Sighele, S. Le probleme moral de la psycholo- gic collective, HN., My.

Thulie, H. Les primitifs et Tame : etude de socio- logie, REA., Ap. Vaccario, M. A. Sull 1 incivilimento e la deca-

denza delle nazioni, RilS., Ap. Vierkandt, A. Kulturpiobleme, ZS., F.-Mr. \Viniarsky, L. Reclamation au sujet des prin-

cipes d une sociologie objective de A. Coste,

ReS., Ap. Worms, R. Enquete sur 1'introduction de la

sociologie dans 1'enseignement secondaire

(conclusion), RIS., Mr. Spain : Mella, R. Situation politique et sociale

de 1'Espagne, HN., Ap. Statistics: Heiss, C. Ueberblick iiber die wich-

tigsten Ergebnisse der norwegischen Social-

statistik, JGV., 24:2. Street Railways: Butler, J. A. Street railway

problem in Milwaukee, MA., Mr. Maltbie, M. R. Glasgow's municipal tramways,

MA., Mr. Parsons, W. B. Rapid transit in N. Y., Scrib-

ner's mag., N. Y. Strikes: Damoiseaux, M. Greve generale des

houilleurs autrichiens, RSC., My. Sunday School : Harris, J. H. Genesis & evo- lution of the Sunday school, London quarterly

review, Ap. Syndicates : Bazire, H. Mouvement syndical

et les catholiques sociaux, AC., My. Tariff: Diehl, K. Ueber die Frage der Einfuh-

rung beweglicher Getreidezolle beim Ablaut

der bestehenden Handelsvertrage, 19 : 3. Expansion the doom of protection, GM., My. Schoenhof, J. Unwritten chapter in recent tariff

history, F., Je. Taxation: Hubbard, H. Fourteenth amendment

& special assessment, HLR , My. -Je. Jah, C. Grossbazare u. Warenhauser, ihre Berechtung u. ihre Besteuerung, JGV., 24: 2. Smith, A. C. Scientific assessment & taxation,

A., My.

Telephones : see Cities. Tenements: Riis, J. A. Tenement commission

& its task, RRN., Je.

Theatre: Irving, H. B. Art & status of the Thrift: Bell, H. Merits & demerits of thrift,

N. C., My.

actor, FR., My. Tramps : Tarnowski, E. Mendicita in Russia,

RilS.,Ap. Transvaal: Bloch, J. de. Some lessons of the

Transvaal war, CoR., Ap.

Bloch, J. de. Why England should stop the war, NAR., My.

Dicey, E. Confederation of South Africa, FR., Ap.

Dicey, E. South African reconstruction, FR.

Hillier, A. Mr. Brice's manifesto to the Ameri- cans, FR., My.

Military leaders of the Boers, RRN., My.

Shippard, S. How England should treat the

vanquished Boers, NAR., Je. Treaties : Berwick, E. Clayton-Bulwer "Ent- angling Alliance," A., My.

Hyde, C. C. Evolution of treaty in Anglo- American diplomacy, ALRv., Je.

Hyde, C. C. Significance of the convention, HLR., My.

Rogers, H. W. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, F..

My. Tropics : Jordan, D. S. Control of the tropics,

GM., My.

Trusts : Carnegie, A. Popular illusions about trusts, Century, My.

Davis, R. C. Judicial decisions on statutes prohibiting combinations & trusts, QJE., My.

Dorbigny, G. Sous le joug des accapareurs: derniers exploits des trusts, Revue des revues, My. i & My. 15.

Kershaw, B. C. Joint stock enterprise & our manufacturing industries, FR., My.

Miller, J. D. Evils of trusts & foolish reme- dies. A.. Je.

Rousiers, P. de. " Trust " aux Etats-Unis, SS., Ap.

Savatier, H. A propos des " trusts," AC.. Ap.

Smith, E. J. Some recent criticisms on the new

trades combination movement, EcR., Ap. United States: Dilke, C. W. American policy in China, NAR., My.

McFarland, W. America's position in the indus- trial world, Cassier's magazine, My.

McLaughlin, A. C. Social compact & constitu- tional construction, AHR., Ap.

Steele. A. H. Shabby salaries of our officials, GM., My.

See Canafs, Chinese, Finance, Great Britain, Imperialism, Labor, Party, Philippines, Presi- dent, Tariff, Treaties. Voting: Hirsch, P. Reform des Kommunal-

wahlrechts in Preussen, NZ., 18: 32. Wages : Nutt, J. H. System of adjusting scale of wages, etc., in certain rolling mills, BDL., My.

War : Ovington, C. O. War & evolution, West- minster review, Ap.

Water : Filtration plant for the Albany water supply, Municipal engineering, My.

Hamilton, J. H. Syracuse water supply, MA., Mr.

Skaneateles water works company vs. village of

Skaneateles, MA., Mr. Wealth : Herron, G. D. Message du Christ aux

riches, RCS., My. Weights & measures : see Money. Women : Bos, G. Feminisme devant la science, ReS., My.

Fuld, L. Fraueu u. das biirgerliche Gesetzbuch, ZS., Ap.

Murray, M. P. Women's clubs in America, NC., My.

Prinzing, F. Sociale Lage der Wittwe in Deutsch- land, ZS., F.-Mr.

Wilkinson. Charlotte C. Working -women's clubs, GM., Je.

See Criminology.