Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 8.djvu/857

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" What Can Be Done for the Village Communities ? " New Review, Vol.

IV, p. 320. "Village Improvement and the Rush to the City," Public Opinion, Vol.

XXV, p. 77.

"The Town's Opportunity," Home and Flowers, April, 1902, etc. " Plans of the American League of Civic Improvement," ibid., October, 1901. "Beauty and Culture in the Farmer's Life," ibid., May, 1902. "The Moral Effect of Beauty," ibid., April, 1902. "The Rural Exodus," Westminster Review, Vol. CLVI, p. 168. "Ideals of Country Towns," Outlook, Vol. L, p. 1084. " Social Problem of the Country Town," Lend a Hand, Vol. X, p. 96. "Is It Lonely ?" North American Review, Vol. CLIX, p. 127. "Rural Education Some Sociological Factors," National Educational

Association, 1896, p. 261. PRIME. "Country Churches in New England," New Princeton Review,

Vol. II, p. 184.

STARBUCK. " Sects and Christianity," New Englander, Vol. XLIX, p. 476. " The Church and Religion," North American Review, Vol. CVI, p. 376. "Religion in the Back Towns," Nation, Vol. XLVII, p. 287; Vol. XLIII,

P- 367-

"The Village Minister," Watchman, August, 1901. " Impending Paganism in New England," Forum, June, 1892. "Problems of the Country Church," Andover Review, September and

October, 1888.

" The Country Pastor," Christian Examiner, Vol. LIII, p. 269. " Religious Problem of the Country Town," ibid., Vol. II, p. 757; Vol. Ill,

p. 38 ; Vol. IV, p. 193 ; Vol. X, p. 221 ; Vol. XI, p. 190. "Trials of a Country Parson," Nineteenth Century, Vol. XXI, p. 362; Vol.

XXVIII, p. 257.

"Rural Social Settlements," Commons, May, 1899.

" The Church as a Center of Rural Organization," Michigan Farmers' Insti- tute, 1902.

" The Movement of Rural Population," ibid. "Need and Possibilities of Farmers' Organizations," ibid. "Twenty-five Years of Institutes," ibid., 1900. " How Michigan Agricultural College Enriches and Unifies Rural Life,"

Common!;, April, 1902. "The Hesperia Movement," ibid. Annual Reports of the Farmers' Institutes of Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin,

and New York.

"America's Working People," Outlook, Vol. CLXIII, p. 558. "Scope of Sociology," American Journal of Sociology, Vol. VI, p. 177. "The Scope of Social Technology," ibid., p. 464.