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American Seashells

Conus mazei Deshayes Maze's Cone Plate 14k Southeast Florida and the West Indies. 1% to 2 inches in length. A long, narrow, and very handsome species which has rows of delicate beads on the very high spire. This is probably the most valuable cone in Florida waters. A few fortunate collectors in Florida have dredged this unusual cone. Conus granulatus Linne Glory-of-the-Atlantic Cone Plate 14I Southeast Florida and the West Indies. I to I % inches in length. A fairly slender cone with rounded whorls in the spire which have spiral threads. Colored a brilhant orange-red to bright- red with flecks of brown and gold. Coarse spiral threads are usually present on the sides. Interior of aperture with a rosy-pink blush. A perfect specimen of this species is, indeed, a collector's item. It is very rare in Florida and not at all common in the West Indies. It lives in reefs just offshore. Coims anstiin Rehder and Abbott Austin's Cone Tortugas to Yucatan and West Indies. 1 MO iV-z inches in length, pure white in color, although some may have a yellow-brown apex. Characterized by numerous odd-sized spiral threads on the sides. Sides of whorls flat to slightly rounded. Shoulders sharp to slightly rounded. Top of whorls slightly concave, with one smooth spiral carina and several much smaller threads. Shell sometimes with axial puckerings or rib- like wrinkles. Periostracum velvety and grayish brown. Rare off Florida but common in 20 fathoms off Yucatan. Cojiiis clarki Rehder and Abbott Clark.'s Cone Plate 141 Off Louisiana. I to i^ inches in length, whitish in color and with small weak spots, rather turnip-shaped, similar to austini, but with 27 to 30 very strong, squar- ish spiral cords on the sides. The cords, and especially the one at the shoulder, are strongly beaded. Between the cords there are microscopic, axial threads. Periostracum gray. Apparently rare offshore in 29 fathoms. This and the preceding species were named after Austin H. Clark, scientist, author and gentleman. C. frisbeyae Clench and Pulley 1952 is unquestionably this spe- cies.