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Plate 33


a. Tryon's Scallop, Aequipecten glyptiis Verrill, 2% inches (Massachusetts to the Gulf of Mexico), p. 366.

b. Lion's Paw, Lyropecten nodosiis L., 5 inches (North Carolina to the West Indies), p. 366.

c. Atlantic Deepsea Scallop, Flacopecten magellanicus Gmelin, 8 inches (Lab- rador to off North Carolina), p. 366.

d. Zigzag Scallop, Pecten ziczac L., 3 inches (North Carolina to the West Indies), p. 362.

e. San Diego Scallop, Pecten diegensis Dall, 3 inches (California), p. 361.

f. Laurentian Scallop, Pecten laiirenti Gmelin, 3 inches (West Indies), p. 362.

g. Ravenel's Scallop, Pecten raveneli Dall, i % inches (North Carolina to Texas and the West Indies), p. 362.

h. Circular Pacific Scallop, Aeqidpecte?j circidaris Sby., 2% inches (Pacific side of Central America), not in text.

i. Atlantic Bay Scallop, Aequipecten irradians irradians Lam., 3 inches (Atlantic Coast), p. 367.

j. Calico Scallop, Aequipecten gibbus L., 1% inches (North Carolina to West Indies), p. 368.