Page:American journal of insanity volume 2.djvu/410

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390 Journal of Insanity- [April, We hoi >e to be able to give a more extended account of all the above mentioned works, in a future number. We bave also received several valuable communications lor the Journal, which will appear in the July number. ASYLIM GAZETTE. This is the name of a small monthly paper published by the inmates of the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane at Concord, at 30 cents per annum. Two numbers have already been issued, mostly made up of original articles, highly creditable to the writers and in- teresting to general readers. We regret that some other name was not selected as there is danger of confounding it with the Asylum Journal a similar paper published at Brat- tleboro, Vt. NOTICE. The committee appointed at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Medical Society in 1845, to carry into ef- fect a resolution passed at the same meeting inviting a Na- tional Medical Convention^eported in favor of holding such a Convention in New York City in May next. They also Resolved to invite the Superintendents of Lunatic Asylums in the several States to attend the same. The convention is to assemble the first Tuesday in May, (the 5th) at the College edifice of the New York Univer- sity, at 10 A. M. CORRECTION. Mart/land Hospital for the Insane : — In our notice of this v excellent Institution in the Oct. number of the Journal, we intimated that the cases of Mania a potu received into this Hospital and cured, were enumerated among the recoveries from insanity. We find we were mistaken. They were not included.