There was a problem when proofreading this page.

It will be remembered that I said that the five planets in their new positions " Will, of course, obscure five other stars in place of those at present covered." This was to exclude an easier solution in which only four planets need be moved.


The moves will be made quite clear by a reference to the diagrams, which show the position on the board after each of the four moves. The

darts indicate the successive removals that have been made. It will be seen that at every stage all the squares are either attacked or occupied, and that after the fourth move no queen attacks any other. In the case of the last move the queen in the top row might also have been moved one square farther to the left. This is, I believe, the only solution to the puzzle.


It will be seen that only three queens have been removed from their positions on the edge of the board, and that, as a consequence, eleven squares (indicated by the black dots) are left unattacked by any queen. I will hazard the statement that eight queens cannot be placed on the chessboard so as to leave more than eleven squares unattacked. It is true that we have no rigid proof of this yet, but I have