Page:An Account of Corsica (1769).djvu/51

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quainted with the country which in these latter days has produced so heroick a race of patriots. To exhibit a concise view of the Revolutions it has undergone from the earliest times, which will prepare the mind, and throw light on the sequel. To shew the Present State of Corsica; and to subjoin my Journal of a Tour to that island, in which I relate a variety of anecdotes, and treasure up many memoirs of the illustrious General of the Corsicans——Memorabilia Paoli.

I do most sincerely declare, that I feel myself inferiour to the task. But I hope the sketch which I give, will be of some immediate service, and will induce others to execute a more perfect plan. I shall be happy if I contribute in a certain degree to give the world a just idea of Corsica, and to interest the generous in its favour; and I would adopt for this work a simple and beautiful inscription on the front of the Palazzo Tolomei at Siena,

Quod potui feci; faciant meliora potentes.
I've done my best; let abler men do more.