Page:An Account of Corsica (1769).djvu/53

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Of the Situation, Extent, Air, Soil, and Productions, of Corsica.

CORSICA is an island of the Mediterranean sea, situated between the 41 and 43 degree of north latitude, and between the 8 and 10 degree of east longitude, reckoning from London. It hath on the north the Ligurian sea, and gulf of Genoa. On the east, the Tuscan sea; on the south, a strait of ten miles which separates it from Sardinia; and on the weft the Mediterranean. It is about 100 miles south of Genoa, and 80 southwest of Leghorn, from whence it can plainly be seen when the weather is clear. It is 150 miles in length, and from 40 to 50 in breadth, being broadest about the middle. It is reckoned 322 miles in circumference; but an exact measurement round it would extend to 500 miles, as it is edged with many promontories, and with a variety of bays.