Page:An Act for Extending and improving the Trade to Africa (1750).djvu/9

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and may be admitted to be a freeman or member of the said company at London, Bristol, or Liverpool, upon his payment of the sum of forty shillings for the same, to such person or persons, as the committee for managing the affairs of the said company shall, and are hereby required, from time to time, to appoint to receive the same in London, Bristol, or Liverpool, respectively. Persons ad.

XIV. Provided always, That no persons so admitted, after the said thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, shall be intitled to vote for the election of any committee-man, until one year after such admission.

XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the chamberlain of London, the clerk of the merchants hall in Bristol, the town clerk of Liverpool, and such other persons whom the committee for managing the affairs of the said company shall, at any time hereafter, appoint to receive the said sums of forty shillings for the admission of persons into the freedom of the said company, shall, upon their receiving the same, sign and deliver a certificate to the person paying the same, certifying his having paid the sum of forty shillings for his being admitted into the freedom of the said company; for which certificate there shall be paid to the person appointed to receive the the said sums of forty shillings, the sum of two shillings and six pence, and no more, as a fee or reward for his trouble therein, Names of and the names and places of abode of every person paying the said sum of forty shillings, shall be entered in any book or books which the person receiving the same is hereby required to keep for that purpose.

XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the chamberlain of London, the clerk of the merchants hall at Bristol, and the town clerk of Liverpool, shall respectively pay the order of over the several sums of forty shillings, which shall have been paid to them for freedoms of the said company, to such person or persons whom the committee of the said company shall authorize to receive the same; and shall, at the same time, deliver over the books, in which the names and places of abode of the persons who shall have respectively paid the said sums of forty shillings each for their freedoms in the said company, shall have been entered, to such person or persons as the said committee shall appoint to receive the same.

XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Receivers to That the person or persons who shall, from time to time, be appointed by the said committee at London, Bristol, and Liverpool, to deliver to receive the said sums of forty