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it was not surprising under the circusmtances, for—I was lying under the bed. How I came there remains a mystery to this day. Whether the baboon put me there or whether I put myself there I suppose I shall never know. The baboon may know, but my one consolation is that the baboon won't tell. If only one could be as certain of the discretion of one's friends!

'Oh, miss,' Ermyntrude was gasping out, her hand, as usual in moments of excitement, wildly endeavouring to place itself upon her heart, 'oh, miss, what 'ave 'appened to you?'

The morning sunlight was streaming full into the room. The terrors of the night were passed. I felt quite brave in spirit again though most uncomfortably weak physically.

'My good Ermyntrude,' I said, getting out from underneath the bed with what dignity I could, 'if I choose from hygenic principles to sleep beneath the bed instead of upon it have you any objection?'

'Oh no, miss, none whatsoever,' exclaimed Ermyntrude hastily. A little sarcasm always has a wonderful effect on Ermyntrude.

But of course I couldn't expect to satisfy her perfectly natural curiosity as easily as that. She was still standing looking at me with a horrified expression. Suddenly I paused, arrested by a horrible thought. What could it be that she was staring at? Marie Antoinette and the prisoner of Chillon flashed across my memory. Could it—could it possibly be that I too had gone white