Page:An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans.djvu/66

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Domestic Slavery," relates an affecting anecdote, which happened near Washington. A free negro walking along the road, was set upon by two intoxicated ruffians on horseback, who, without any provocation, began to torture him for amusement. One of them tied him to the tail of his horse, and thus dragged him along, while the other followed, applying the lash. The poor fellow died by the road-side, in consequence of this treatment.

The owner may prosecute when a slave is rendered unfit for labor, by personal violence; and in the Reports of these cases many painful facts come to light which would otherwise have remained forever unknown. See Judicial Reports.

Prop. 8.—Slaves cannot redeem themselves or change masters.

Stroud says, "as to the right of redemption, this proposition holds good in all the slave-holding States; and is equally true as it respects the right to compel a change of masters, except in Louisiana. According to the new civil code of that State, the latter privilege may sometimes, perhaps, be obtained by the slave. But the master must first be convicted of cruelty—a task so formidable that it can hardly be ranked among possibilities; and secondly it is optional with the judge, whether or not, to make the decree in favor of the slave."

If a slave should not obtain a decree in his favor what has he to expect from a master exasperated against him, for making the attempt?

At Athens, so deservedly admired for the mildness of her slave laws, the door of freedom was opened widely. The abused slaves might fly to the Temple of Theseus, whence no one had a right to take them, except for the purpose of publicly investigating their wrongs. If their complaints were well founded, they were either enfranchised, or delivered to more merciful hands.

In the Roman Empire, from the time of Adrian and the Antonines, slaves were protected by the laws, and undue severity being proved, they received freedom or a different master.

By the Code Noir of the French islands, a slave cruelly