Page:An Elementary History of Art.djvu/490

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460 Painting Guido Reni (1575 — 1642) was an artist with consider- able feeling for beauty of form, and great skill in execution, especially in colouring ; but he was wanting in force of expression, and his conceptions seldom rise to the rank of the ideal. His Madonna della Pieta and the Massacre of the Innocents at Bologna, his S. Paul and S. Anthony in Fig. 160.— The Magdalen. By Guido Reni. In the C'olonna Palace, Rome. the Berlin Museum, the unfinished Nativity in the church of S. Martino at Naples, and above all the fresco of Aurora and Phoebus on the ceiling of a pavilion in the garden of the Rospigliosi Palace at Rome, are among his most famous works; he is represented in our National