Page:An Elementary History of Art.djvu/692

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INDEX OF NAMES OF ARTISTS.* Page Page Acton, Adams . 293 Artois, Jacobus van . 516 Adam, The Brothers . 152 Asoka . . 5 Agelades of Argos . . 187 Asselt, Jean van der . 422 Agesander . 202 Athenodorus . . 202 Agnolo of Siena . 240 Audubon . 653 Agoracritus . 193 Austen, William . . . 284 Agostino of Siena . . 240 Akers, Benjamin . . 295 Backer . . 527 Alan de Walsingham . 138' Bacon, John . . 287 Albani, Francesco . . 461 Bagnacavallo . . 400 Albertinelli, Mariotto . 371 Bailey, Edward . 289 Alcamenes . 193, 209 Baker, George A. . . 658 Aldegrever . 452 Bakhuisen . 544 Alexander . 650 Bandel, Ernst von . . 276 Alfaro y Gamez . 495 Banks, Thomas . 287 Allan . . 640 Barret, George . 617 Allar . . . 279 Barret, George . 622 Allston . . 652 Barrias . . 279 Altdorfer . 452 Barry, Sir Charles . 114, 155 Amato d' Antonio . . 371 Barry, Edward . 136 Amberger . 442 Barry, James . . 618 Amman, Jost . . 452 Bartholomew . . 295 Angelico, Fra . . 353 Bartolini . 279 Anselm, Archbishop . 124 Bartolommeo of Florence 5 . 336 Antigonus . 203 Bartolommeo, Fra . . 371 Antonello da Messina 357, 364 Barye, Antoine . 279 Apelles . . 320 Barzaghi . 279 Apollodoras . 53, 319 Basaiti, Marco . 365 Aretino, Spinello . . 341 Bassano . . 418 Aristeides. . 320 Bastiani, Lazzaro . . 365 Aristodemus . . 201 Bazzi . . 381 Arm stead. . 293 Beaugrant, Guy de . . 262 Arnolfo . . 240 Beaumont . 608

  • The artists are indexed under their popular names ; no notice has been taken of
