Page:An Elizabethan garland; being a descriptive catalogue of seventy black-letter ballads, printed between the years 1559 and 1597.djvu/37

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(probably unique) is preserved in the Miller Collection. His name occurs several times in the course of our Catalogue.)


A Newe Secte of Friars called Capichini.

A fierce invective against "These newe, freshe come Friars, sprong up of late, that doe nowe within Andwarpe (Antwerp) keepe their abidinge."

[Woodcut of two friars at the top, coloured.]


A mervaylous straunge deformed Swyne.

Finis. T. P.

Imprinted at London by William How, for Richard Johnes: and are to be solde at his Shop joyning to the Southwest doore of Paules Churche.

[Woodcut of a swine, inclosed in a plain border, at the top. Prose and Verse.]

("T. P." was, perhaps, Thomas Proctor, the author of many "pretty pamphlets.")


Franklins Farewell to the World.
With his Christian Contrition in Prison before his Death.

Printed at London for Henry Gosson

[A very rich woodcut border all round.]

(This ballad, the last of the series, relates to James Franklin, who was executed for his share in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury. H. Gosson was a celebrated ballad-printer in the reign of James I. He died in 1635, when his stock was purchased by Coles, Vere and Wright.)