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Age, a full year of age, có̤i: a year of one's age, huói: one's age, nièng-gī; nièng-huói: what is your age? gūi huói; niŏh-uâi huói; nièng-huói niŏh-uâi: to age fast, tăng-lâu: an age, siŏh sìe: ages, sié-dô̤i.

Aged, lâu.

Agent, dâi lī.

Aggravate, gă daê̤ng.

Aggressor, lièu-sê̤ṳ gì nè̤ng.

Agile, lêu.

Agitate, ièu dông: to be agitated, ké̤ṳk nó̤h ièu dông: (as things,) dêng-dâe̤ng.

Agony, tiáng nàng dŏng; tiáng dŏng mâ̤ kī.

Agree, assent, kīng: to be in accord, huò: to match, dó̤i hăk: to contract, gâe̤ng ĭ iók.

Agreeing, harmonious, sŏng huò; huò-sông; dèu-hăk.

Agreeable, suitable, â̤ hăk: pleasant, hō̤; chṳ̆-tióng.

Agreement, verbal, chói iók: written –, iók-cê; hâk-iók; hâk-dè̤ng: to make an –, gaê̤ng ĭ iók; có̤ iók-cê; lík iók.

Agriculture, có̤ chèng; gĕng cé̤ṳng.

Agriculturist, có̤ chèng nè̤ng.

Aground, kò̤-chiēng; kuá-chiēng.

Ague, bók-gàng; chéng-bé: to have the –, páh bòk-gàng; páh chéng-gàng.

Ahead, sèng-dāu: go on –, sèng giàng.

Aid, V. bŏng-câe̤; dó̤i-chiū: to – with strength, caê̤ lĭk: to – by charity, sié-cá̤; siā siè.

Ailing, ng tāu-tó̤h; ng sōng-kuái.

Aim, intention, sĭng-é: to – as a gun &c, ché̤ṳ cūng.

Air, N. tiĕng-ké: to – as clothes, tĕ̤ng ké: a circulation of –, tĕ̤ng hŭng: to take the –, liòng hŭng.

Alarm, V. sāi nè̤ng giăng: alarm-clock, nâu-cṳ̆ng.

Alarmed, sêu giăng; giăng-huòng.