Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/31

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Barm, cīu-niòng; bùi mō̤.

Barn, chŏng.

Barometer, hŭng-ṳ̄-cĕng.

Barrack, bĭng bṳ̀ng.

Barrel, kùong.

Barren, – soil, dê sŏi: – woman, siŏh nṳ̄; tòng-mō̤.

Barricade, street –, căk-lăk; nā băng.

Barrier, căk: obstruction, guăng-buáng; guàng-làng.

Barrister, câung-sṳ̆.

Barrow, chīu chiă.

Barter, V. dó̤i uâng; dó̤i báuk; huó báuk huó.

Base, N. dā̤; gĭ; kă: adj. â-ciêng: – voice, giâ ping.

Bashful, ói-chĭu; giăng-diòng; ng hō̤ é-sé̤ṳ.

Basin, wash –, méng-tē̤ng.; méng buòng: brasss wash –, lò̤-buòng: bowl, uāng.

Basis, gŏng-gĭ: – as of a discourse, duâi-é.

Basket, – with handle, làng: – without handle, lài: open work –, lēu: shallow – without lid, lō̤: workmen's dirt –, bóng-gĭ: charcoal fire –, hūi̤ lè̤ng: provision – with shelves, cèng lài; hūi̤-sĭk-làng: shell fish –, lāi: a light bamboo – for weighing things in, chĭng-gṳ̆ng-piék.

Bastard, căk-cṳ̄ng-giāng; biēu-giāng.

Baste, dák.

Bat, (animal) bì-bà dâu-giék; biēng-hók.

Bath, earthenware –, sā̤-sĭng-gŏng: wooden –, sā̤-sĭng-kuòng; tŏng-kuòng.

Bathe, sā̤-sĭng: – in hot water, sā̤-tŏng.

Battery, galvanic –, tiĕng-ké-chiă; hŭng-chiă: Fort, páu-dài.

Battle, gău-ciéng: win a –, dáik séng; iàng siŏh-dêng: lose a –, siŏ siŏh-lêng; bài dêng.

Bawdy-house, băh-méng chío; biēu-cṳ̄-diòng.

Bawl, gáe̤.

Bay, hāi năng.