Page:An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect.pdf/46

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But, mì-dŭk; nâ.

Butcher, tài tàu-săng gì nè̤ng; tiò-hô: –'s stand, nṳ̆k-dó̤h.

Butler, guāng-sê̤ṳ; guāng-gă.

Butt, V. dáe̤k.

Butter, ngù-nèng-iù: make –, páh ngù-nèng-iù.

Butterfly, hù-dièk.

Buttocks, gū-chĭong: to beat on the –, sáe̤.

Buttress, dŏng.

Buy, mā̤: – as grain, diăh: – as piece good, dōng: – as furniture, dé: – up as goods, cô̤.

By, – means of, kĕk; hĕk; sāi; ê̤ṳng; ìu: – land, téng-diô; tâi-diô; ìu-diô: near, gê̤ung; bâung: sold – the pound, lâung gṳ̆ng mâ̤: – and bye, nī-òng: –word, sṳ̆k-ngṳ̄.

By-laws, liê; giĕ-gṳ̄.

By-stander, bòng-biĕng nè̤ng; buòng-biĕng né̤ng.


Cabal, dōng: to form a –, giék-dōng.

Cabbage, native, băh-chái: foreign, bău-sĭng-chái; ià-chái.

Cabin, sùng-chŏng; sùng-dū.

Cabinet, dìu; báuk-gū-dìu: privy council, nô̤i-gó̤h.

Cable, déng-só̤h: iron –, dṳ̆-mō̤-liêng: telegraph –, cūi-siáng.

Cactus, sièng-ìng-ciōng.

Caddy, tea –, dà-niŏh-ĭng; dà-niŏh-guáng.

Cage, lè̤ng: bird –, cēu lè̤ng: – for criminal, chìu lè̤ng.

Cajole, tiēng-mê; hè̤-mê.

Cake, biāng: sponge –, giĕ-lâung-gŏ̤: steamed rice –, gūi̤.

Calabash, bù; hù-lù-bù.