Page:An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature (Volume 1 1877).pdf/172

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The Second Book.

Before, I taught what kind of tools were fit
For him to have, that would an Angler be;
And how he should with practice and with wit
Provide himself thereof in best degree:
Now doth remain to show how to the bit
The fishes may be brought, that erst were free;
  And with what pleasing baits enticed they are,
  To swallow down the hidden hook un'ware.


It were not meet to send a huntsman out
Into the woods with net, with gin or hay;
To trace the brakes and bushes all about
The stag, the fox or badger to betray;
If having found his game, he stand in doubt
Which way to pitch, or where his snares to lay;
  And with what train he may entice withal,
  The fearful beast into his trap to fall.