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Chapter X.

The Author's progress in his flight from Anuradhapoora into the woods; until their arrival in the Malabar's country.

Now GOD, of His mercy, having prospered our design hitherto, for which we blessed His holy name; our next care was how to come off clear from the people of Anuradhapoora, that they might not presently miss us, and so pursue after us: which if they should do, there would have been no escaping them. For from this town to Colliwilla—where the Sheriff lived, with whom we left our goods—they were as well acquainted in the woods as in the paths: and when we came away, we must tell the people that we were going thither; because there was no other way but that. Now our fear was lest upon some occasion or other, any men might chance to travel that way soon after we were gone; and not finding us at Colliwilla might conclude, as they could do no otherwise, that we were run into the woods. Therefore to avoid this danger, we stayed in the town till it was so late that we knew that none durst venture to travel afterwards, for fear of wild beasts. By which means we were sure to gain a night's travel, at least: if they should chance to pursue us.

So we took our leaves of the Governor, who kindly gave us a pot of milk to drink, for a farewell: we telling him, "We were returning back to the Sheriff at Colliwilla, to whom we had given some gunpowder when we came from him, to shoot us some deer: and we doubted not but by that time we should get to him, he would have provided flesh enough for our lading home." Thus bidding him and the rest of the neighbours farewell, we departed: they giving us the civility of their accustomed prayers; Diabac, that is, "God bless or keep you."

It was now the 12th day of October on a Sunday, the moon eighteen days old. We were well furnished with all things needful, which we could get, viz.—ten days' provisions, rice,