Page:An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature (Volume 1 1877).pdf/582

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"If those eyes you praisèd, be
Half so dear as you to me;
Let me home return, stark blinded
Of those eyes; and blinder minded!"

"If to secret of my heart,
I do any wish impart;
Where thou art not foremost placed:
Be both wish and I defaced!"

"If more may be said, I say
All my bliss on thee I lay.
If thou love, my love content thee!
For all love, all faith is meant thee."

"Trust me, while I thee deny,
In myself the smart I try.
Tyrant HONOUR doth thus use thee.
STELLA'S self might not refuse thee!"

"Therefore, Dear! this no more move:
Lest, though I leave not thy love,
Which too deep in me is framed;
I should blush when thou art named!"

Therewithal away she went,
Leaving him to passion rent,
With what she had done and spoken;
That therewith my song is broken.


O my flock! go get you hence!
Seek a better place of feeding;
Where you may have some defence
Fro the storms in my breast breeding
And showers from mine eyes proceeding.