Page:An English Garner Ingatherings from Our History and Literature (Volume 1 1877).pdf/608

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My saint I keep to me, and JOAN herself is free,
  JOAN fair and true!
She that doth only move passions of love with LOVE.
  FORTUNE! adieu!


E. O. [i.e. EDWARD DE VERE, Earl of OXFORD.]

[The author of the following final poem in this Collection of NEWMAN'S first Quarto of 1591 is not indicated.]

If floods of tears could cleanse my follies past
And smokes of sighs might sacrifice for sin;
If groaning cries might salve my fault at last;
Or endless moan for error, pardon win:
  Then would I cry, weep, sigh, and ever moan
  Mine error, fault, sins, follies past and gone.

I see my hopes must wither in their bud,
I see my favours are no lasting flowers,
I see that words will breathe no better good
Than loss of time, and lightning but at hours.
  Then when I see, then this I say therefore,
  That favours, hopes and words can blind no more.